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将 SwiftUI 视图导出为图像 macOS

[英]Export SwiftUI View as image macOS

I want to export a SwiftUI View on macOS.我想在 macOS 上导出 SwiftUI 视图。 I have code that works on iOS, but it uses UIKit.我有适用于 iOS 的代码,但它使用 UIKit。 I can't find another example to do it without UIKit.如果没有 UIKit,我找不到另一个例子来做到这一点。

Does anybody know how to do it?有人知道怎么做吗?

fileprivate extension View {
    func snapshot(device: Device) -> UIImage {
        let controller = UIHostingController(rootView: self)
        let view = controller.view

        let targetSize = controller.view.intrinsicContentSize
        view?.bounds = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: targetSize)
        view?.backgroundColor = .clear
        let exportWidth = device.width / UIScreen.main.scale
        let exportHeight = device.height / UIScreen.main.scale

        let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: CGSize(width: exportWidth, height: exportHeight))

        return renderer.image { _ in
            view?.drawHierarchy(in: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: exportWidth, height: exportHeight), afterScreenUpdates: true)

I know I can create a NSHostingController , but I think I need some alternative for UIGraphicsImageRenderer .我知道我可以创建一个NSHostingController ,但我认为我需要一些UIGraphicsImageRenderer替代方案。

Thanks in advance提前致谢

In NSView there are two methods:在 NSView 中有两种方法:

func bitmapImageRepForCachingDisplay(in: NSRect) -> NSBitmapImageRep?


func cacheDisplay(in: NSRect, to: NSBitmapImageRep)

Once you have the NSBitmapImageRep , you can ask for the image in a number of formats using its:一旦你有了NSBitmapImageRep ,你就可以使用它来请求多种格式的图像:

func representation(using storageType: NSBitmapImageRep.FileType, 
     properties: [NSBitmapImageRep.PropertyKey : Any]) -> Data?

(the NSView to draw is the one owned by the hosting controller if that wasn't clear) (如果不清楚,要绘制的 NSView 是托管控制器所拥有的)

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