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使用 play Json 库(或任何其他建议)在多级数组上使用 JsLookup

[英]JsLookup on multiple level array using play Json library (or any other suggestion)

My function is receiving a JsValue , now this json have lists, and this lists element could also be lists, for example:我的函数正在接收一个JsValue ,现在这个 json 有列表,这个列表元素也可以是列表,例如:

  "firstName": "Elon",
  "lastName": "Musk",
  "companies": [
      "name": "Tesla",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "offices": ["sf", "ny"],
      "management": {
        "loscation": "New York",
        "boardMembers": [
            "name": "John",
            "age": 45
            "name": "Mike",
            "age": 55
            "name": "Rebecca",
            "age": 35
      "name": "SpaceX",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "offices": ["la", "ta"],
      "management": {
        "loscation": "San Mateo",
        "boardMembers": [
            "name": "Lisa",
            "age": 45
            "name": "Dan",
            "age": 55
            "name": "Henry",
            "age": 35

So a company have management object, which have boardMembers list.所以一个公司有管理对象,其中有 boardMembers 列表。

My function is receiving the path to this element, for example:我的函数正在接收该元素的路径,例如:


I want it to return a list with all the elements of this object, so the result will be:我希望它返回一个包含此对象所有元素的列表,因此结果将是:

["John", "Mike", "Rebecca", "Lisa", "Dan", "Henry"]

It's a bit complicated, but I thought maybe play.api.libs.json._ would have some feature that could help.这有点复杂,但我认为play.api.libs.json._可能会有一些play.api.libs.json._功能。

thought about splitting it pathStr.split("(\\\\[\\\\*]\\\\.|\\\\[\\\\*])").toList and then iterate to get all elements some how and return JsLookupResult but not sure how.考虑拆分它pathStr.split("(\\\\[\\\\*]\\\\.|\\\\[\\\\*])").toList然后迭代以获取所有元素的一些方法并返回 JsLookupResult 但不确定如何。

Just to clarify:只是为了澄清:

My method will receive 2 parameters, the JsValue and the path as string def myFunc(json: JsValue, path: String)我的方法将接收 2 个参数, JsValue和作为字符串的路径def myFunc(json: JsValue, path: String)

every time I call myFunc it can receive different path, I'm not sure what it will be only after myFunc was called.每次我调用myFunc它都会收到不同的路径,我不确定只有在调用myFunc之后它会是什么。

As you can see in the documentation, you can use the Reads typeclass to define the way to decode types from JSON.正如您在文档中所见,您可以使用Reads类型类来定义从 JSON 解码类型的方式。

import play.api.libs.json._

val input = """{
  "firstName": "Elon",
  "lastName": "Musk",
  "companies": [
      "name": "Tesla",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "offices": ["sf","ny"],
      "management": {
        "loscation": "New York",
        "boardMembers": [
            "name": "John",
            "age": 45
            "name": "Mike",
            "age": 55
            "name": "Rebecca",
            "age": 35
      "name": "SpaceX",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "offices": ["la","ta"],
      "management": {
        "loscation": "San Mateo",
        "boardMembers": [
            "name": "Lisa",
            "age": 45
            "name": "Dan",
            "age": 55
            "name": "Henry",
            "age": 35

val json = Json.parse(input)

// ---

case class BoardMember(name: String, age: Int)

implicit val br: Reads[BoardMember] = Json.reads

case class Company(boardMembers: Seq[BoardMember])

implicit val cr: Reads[Company] = Reads {
  case obj @ JsObject(_) =>
    (obj \ "management" \ "boardMembers").validate[Seq[BoardMember]].map {

  case _ =>

val reads = Reads[Seq[String]] {
  case obj @ JsObject(_) =>
    (obj \ "companies").validate[Seq[Company]].map {

  case _ =>

// ---

//  play.api.libs.json.JsResult[Seq[String]] = JsSuccess(Vector(John, Mike, Rebecca, Lisa, Dan, Henry),)

You can do:你可以做:

val jsPath = JsPath \ "companies" \\ "management" \ "boardMembers" \\ "name"
val result = jsPath(Json.parse(input))

Which will print the expected output.这将打印预期的输出。 See Scastie example.参见Scastie示例。

Please note the difference between \\ and \\\\ :请注意\\\\\\之间的区别:

  • \\ looks for direct children \\寻找直系子女
  • \\\\ looks for recursive children \\\\寻找递归子节点

To implement myFunc you can try something like this:要实现myFunc您可以尝试以下操作:

def findAllValuesAtPath(jsValue: JsValue, path: String): List[JsValue] = {
  val jsPath = JsPath(path
    .flatMap(s => s.split("\\.")

Here is another scastie.是另一个scastie。

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