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在 R Shiny 服务器上保存临时文件

[英]Saving temp files on R Shiny server

I have been trying to solve a problem in developing one of my first R Shiny apps.我一直在尝试解决开发我的第一个 R Shiny 应用程序时出现的问题。 My app works on my laptop, but I can't get it to work when I upload it on the Shiny server.我的应用程序可以在我的笔记本电脑上运行,但是当我将它上传到 Shiny 服务器上时我无法让它运行。 I want the app to create a temporary file of the scatterplot, plotOut, on the server, which is then exported to the Excel file, either upon clicking the 'Download Scatterplot' button or automatically.我希望应用程序在服务器上创建散点图的临时文件 plotOut,然后通过单击“下载散点图”按钮或自动将其导出到 Excel 文件。 I am posting my best attempt at a reprex below.我在下面的 reprex 中发布了我的最佳尝试。 I believe I need to use tempdir() in some way, but not sure how.我相信我需要以某种方式使用 tempdir(),但不确定如何使用。 Thanks in advance :D提前致谢

"ui.R" “ui.R”




ui <- fluidPage(

  fluidRow("This is a simplified app to reproduce the difficulties in saving and downloading files on the Shiny server",
           plotOutput("plot", height = 350),
           downloadButton('downloadPlot1', "Download ScatterPlot"),
             'Download Results (.xlsx)'

"server.R" “服务器.R”

server <- function(input, output){
  ###create basic plot in ggplot
  plotOut <- reactive(
    ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=wt, y=mpg)) + geom_point()
  ###display plot
  output$plot <- renderPlot({

  #temp = tempdir() #tried using this in filename to no avail

  fName = paste0('plotOut', Sys.Date(), '.png')

  ##save plot file as png
  output$downloadPlot1 <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function(){fName},
    content = function(file){

  ##format excel file for output
  output$dl_excel <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function(){
      paste0('results_', Sys.Date(), '.xlsx')
    content = function(file){
      my_workbook <- createWorkbook()
        wb = my_workbook,
        sheetName = "Sheet1"

      insertImage(my_workbook, sheet = 1,
        file = fName
        , width = 4, height = 4, startRow = 1, startCol = 1, units = "in", dpi = 300
      saveWorkbook(my_workbook, file)

Someone in a different forum helped me solve this.另一个论坛中的某人帮助我解决了这个问题。 Updating the code to the following resolves the issue.将代码更新为以下内容可解决此问题。

output$dl_excel <-
        filename = function() {
          paste0('results_', Sys.Date(), '.xlsx')

        content = function(file) {
          **tempPNG <- tempfile(fileext = ".png") #create a tempfile to print the plot to
          ggsave(tempPNG, plot = plotOut()) #print the plot to the tempfile**

          my_workbook <-
          addWorksheet(wb = my_workbook,
                       sheetName = "Sheet1")
            sheet = 1,
            **file = tempPNG, #use the tempfile**

            width = 4,
            height = 4,
            startRow = 1,
            startCol = 1,
            units = "in",
            dpi = 300
          saveWorkbook(my_workbook, file)

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