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有没有办法使用HMS Toolkit云调试测试React Native项目?

[英]Is there any way to testing React Native project using HMS Toolkit cloud debugging?

I found huawei have HMS Toolkit Cloud Debugging for testing, is it support for React Native?我发现华为有HMS Toolkit Cloud Debugging 进行测试,是否支持React Native? or is there any way to install our apps into the cloud device?或者有什么方法可以将我们的应用程序安装到云设备中?

You cannot run the react-native run-android command to directly perform debugging.不能运行react-native run-android命令直接进行调试。 You need to run the gradlew assembleDebug command to package the full APK and upload the APK to Cloud Debugging for testing.您需要运行gradlew assembleDebug命令来打包完整的 APK 并将 APK 上传到 Cloud Debugging 进行测试。

You could directly access the CloudDebugging menu on the AppGallery Connect , as shown in the following figure:您可以直接访问AppGallery Connect上的 CloudDebugging 菜单,如下图所示:


Then select an appropriate test machine and upload the APK file for test.然后选择合适的测试机,上传APK文件进行测试。

According to the R&D team, we didn't have a specific adaptation for React Native.根据研发团队的说法,我们没有针对 React Native 进行特定的改编。 But if your app works fine on your test machine, it should be fine on Cloud Debugging as well.但是,如果您的应用程序在您的测试机器上运行良好,那么在 Cloud Debugging 上也应该可以正常运行。

To install app on Cloud Debugging, please download the HMS Toolkit plug-in in Android Studio firstly, then start Cloud Debugging and click Run app in the IDE to start the installation.在Cloud Debugging上安装app,请先在Android Studio中下载HMS Toolkit插件,然后启动Cloud Debugging,在IDE中点击Run app开始安装。

Pls kindly refer to the following link for more info:请参阅以下链接了解更多信息:

How to install HMS Toolkit plug-in? 如何安装HMS Toolkit插件?

What is Cloud Debugging? 什么是云调试?

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