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[英]Is arp packet storm happens between two directly linked PCs possible?

Network disconnect issue happens in a system of my company.网络断开问题发生在我公司的系统中。

Here is the network topolgy:这是网络拓扑:
PC1: two NICs, both static IP address. PC1:两个网卡,都是静态IP地址。 Data:, Control:数据:,控制:
PC2: two NICs, both static IP address. PC2:两个网卡,都是静态IP地址。 Data:, Control:数据:,控制:
Default Gateway is set on both side.两端设置默认网关。 However I don't think this is necessary, as there is no router or gateway between the two PCs, there directly linked.但是我认为这没有必要,因为两台 PC 之间没有路由器或网关,直接链接。

A consultant point out, since all the IPs are set in same segment 10.10.22, there could be broadcast storm, which might be the cause of network disconnect.一位顾问指出,由于所有IP都设置在同一网段10.10.22,因此可能会出现广播风暴,这可能是网络断开的原​​因。

Is this true?这是真的? Can broadcast storm happen in directly linked two PCs?直接连接的两台PC会发生广播风暴吗?

No it shouldn't be.不,不应该。

Broadcast storms happen when there is a loop in a network.当网络中存在环路时,就会发生广播风暴。 A packet is forwarded to all ports in a switch and if there is a loop the packets are again sent to the same switch on all ports, amplifying the storm, if there is no network loop there shouldn't be any storm.数据包被转发到交换机中的所有端口,如果存在环路,则数据包将再次发送到所有端口上的同一交换机,放大​​风暴,如果没有网络环路,则不应有任何风暴。 I don't see any loop in your configuration so this shouldn't be any broadcast storm.我在你的配置中没有看到任何循环,所以这不应该是任何广播风暴。

Identifying broadcast storm is not so hard, just sniff on an interface on the network, and if you see millions of times the same broadcast packet, it should be a broadcast storm.识别广播风暴并不难,只要嗅探网络上的一个接口,如果看到数百万次相同的广播数据包,那就应该是广播风暴。

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