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[英]Compile Error: Argument Not Optional when Argument is supplied

Hi I keep getting a Compile error: Argument not optional in my VBA excel code when I have supplied arguments function used.嗨,我一直收到编译错误:当我提供了使用的参数函数时,我的 VBA excel 代码中的参数不是可选的。 The Main purpose of the function is to record values from one workbook and save into another as an audit log.该函数的主要目的是记录一个工作簿中的值并将其作为审计日志保存到另一个工作簿中。 However I get the error above and can't find a solution because it looks like I have supplied arguments to every function component that requires it.但是我得到了上面的错误并且找不到解决方案,因为看起来我已经为每个需要它的函数组件提供了参数。

Public Sub LogResults ()
  Call RecordAudit(CreateCollection)
End Sub

Public Function CreateCollection() As Collection
       Dim colProspectValues As New Collection
       Dim ManRateCredibility As Double
       ManRateCredibility = 0
       ManRateCredibility = CDbl(1 - worksheets("whorksheetname").Range("A1").Value)

       colProspectValues.Add Worksheets("worksheetname").Range("A2").Value
       colProspectValues.Add Worksheets("worksheetname").Range("A3").Value
       colProspectValues.Add Worksheets("worksheetname").Range("A4").Value
       colProspectValues.Add Worksheets("worksheetname").Range("A5").Value
       colProspectValues.Add Worksheets("worksheetname").Range("A6").Value
       colProspectValues.Add ManRateCredibility 
       Set CreateCollection = colProspectValues

End Function

  Public Sub RecordAudit(ByRef aCollection As Collection)
       Dim tempCollection as Collection
       Dim i As Integer
       Dim wbMaster As Workbook
       Dim wbLocal As Workbook
       Dim MasterNextRow As Long
       Dim AuditLogPath As String
     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
     Set tempCollection = aCollection
     AuditLogPath = "H:\FolderB\Model\ProspectAudit.xlsx"
     Set wbMaster = Workbooks(AuditLogPath)
     MasterNextRow = wbMaster.Worksheets("AuditLog").Range("B" & wbMaster.Worksheets("AuditLog").Rows.count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Row

     For i = 1 to tempCollection.count
          wbMaster.Worksheets("AuditLog").Cells(MasterNextRow, i).Value = 
     Next i

  End Sub

Found out what it was.发现它是什么。 I had not fully defined the function required when setting the workbook path using Workbooks.Open(AuditLogPath) instead of Workbooks(AuditLogPath)我没有完全定义使用 Workbooks.Open(AuditLogPath) 而不是 Workbooks(AuditLogPath) 设置工作簿路径时所需的功能

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