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[英]page number not working in datatable export to pdf

I am trying to add page number in datatble pdf export, I got code from its official site after adding this code pdf button got disappearing and getting ' Uncaught ReferenceError: doc is not defined at HTMLDocument' error in console.我正在尝试在 datatble pdf 导出中添加页码,在添加此代码后,我从其官方网站获取了代码 pdf 按钮消失并在控制台中出现“未捕获的引用错误:文档未在 HTMLDocument 中定义”错误。

    dom: 'Bfrtip',
    buttons: [
            extend: 'pdfHtml5',
            title: 'Data export',
            filename: 'dt_custom_pdf',
            pageSize: 'A4',
                exportOptions: {
                    columns: ':visible',
                    search: 'applied',
                    order: 'applied'
       doc['footer']=(function(page, pages) {
        return {
        columns: [
        'Left part of footer',
                alignment: 'right',
                text: [
                    { text: page.toString(), italics: true },
                    ' of ',
                    { text: pages.toString(), italics: true }
        margin: [10, 0]

You did not define customize function to dataTable that why getting doc error you need to change您没有为 dataTable 定义自定义函数,为什么会出现需要更改的文档错误

    dom: 'Bfrtip',
    buttons: [
        extend: 'pdfHtml5',
        text: 'Pdf',
        filename: 'dt_custom_pdf',
        pageSize: 'A4',
            exportOptions: {
                columns: ':visible',
                search: 'applied',
                order: 'applied'
        customize: function ( doc ) {
            doc['footer']=(function(page, pages) {
                return {
                columns: [
                alignment: 'center',
                text: [
                { text: page.toString(), italics: true },
                ' of ',
                { text: pages.toString(), italics: true }
                margin: [10, 0]

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