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[英]How to Add and Use key in Custom widget constructors

I got notification warning (Not Error) about Use key in widget constructors.我收到了关于Use key in widget constructors.通知警告(非错误) Use key in widget constructors. let say I have stateless class like this :假设我有这样的无状态类:

class TeaTile extends StatelessWidget {

  final TheTea? tea;
  const TeaTile({this.tea});  //the warning in hire!

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container();

the basic stateless format has a key like this :基本的无状态格式有一个这样的键:

class TeaTile extends StatelessWidget {
  const TeaTile({ Key? key }) : super(key: key);  //this one

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container();

I know how to disable the key rule use_key_in_widget_constructors: false .我知道如何禁用关键规则use_key_in_widget_constructors: false but I don't want to do it.但我不想这样做。 so, how I add key in所以,我如何添加key

final TheTea? tea;
  const TeaTile({this.tea});

to solve the warning notification?解决警告通知?

You can just use:你可以只使用:

final TheTea? tea;
const TeaTile({ Key? key, this.tea }) : super(key: key);

Basically a combination of both, you're still taking a named parameter key , that will pass it's value to the super constructor, and another named parameter tea that would set your final variable value.基本上是两者的结合,你仍然使用一个命名参数key ,它将它的值传递给超级构造函数,另一个命名参数tea将设置你的最终变量值。

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