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protobuf 消息字段 id 和字段顺序是什么关系?

[英]What is the relation of protobuf message field id and field order?

I want to understand if the messages bellow are compatible from the perspective of protobuf and serialization/deserialization.我想从 protobuf 和序列化/反序列化的角度了解以下消息是否兼容。

message HelloReply {
  string message = 1;
  string personalized_message = 2;
message HelloReply {
  string personalized_message = 2;
  string message = 1;

Does the order matter for compatibility in any situation?在任何情况下,顺序是否与兼容性有关?

The textual order is largely irrelevant, although it may impact some code generation tooling - but most languages don't care about declaration order, so even that: won't matter.文本顺序在很大程度上无关紧要,尽管它可能会影响某些代码生成工具 - 但大多数语言并不关心声明顺序,因此即使这样:也没关系。 The fields are still defined semantically equivalent - the numbers match the existing meaning (name) and type.这些字段在语义上仍然是等价的——数字与现有的含义(名称)和类型相匹配。 It is the number that is the determining feature in identifying a field.数字是识别字段的决定性特征。

At the protocol level:在协议层面:

  • parsers must allow fields in any order解析器必须允许任何顺序的字段
  • serializers should (but not must ) write fields in ascending numerical field order序列化程序应该(但不是必须)以数字字段的升序写入字段

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