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在 OpenLayers 6.9.0 中,我使用 fetch WMTSCapabilities 但它不起作用

[英]In OpenLayers 6.9.0 I use fetch WMTSCapabilities but I it doesn't work

I use fetch WMTSCapabilities but I get this message: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Layer') at Function.rL.source.WMTS.optionsFromCapabilities (ol.js:2)我使用 fetch WMTSCapabilities 但我收到此消息:未捕获(承诺)TypeError:无法读取 Function.rL.source.WMTS.optionsFromCapabilities (ol.js:2) 处未定义的属性(读取“层”)

This is the code I use:这是我使用的代码:

const parser = new ol.format.WMTSCapabilities();
let bgRaster;
  .then(function (response) {
    return response.text();
  .then(function (text) {
    const result = parser.read(text);
    const options = ol.source.WMTS.optionsFromCapabilities(result, {
      layer: 'standaard',
      format: 'image/png',
      matrixSet: 'EPSG:28992',
    bgRaster = new ol.layer.Tile({
          opacity: 0.7,
          source: new ol.source.WMTS(options),
          title: 'Kadaster',
          visible: false

Sorry, that I brought my question so bluntly.对不起,我这么直率地提出了我的问题。 I didn't realize that my request was more or less a staement.我没有意识到我的要求或多或少是一种要求。 Not my intention.不是我的本意。 IF you could help me out, I would be very pleased.如果你能帮助我,我会很高兴。

Regards Boudewijn van Os问候 Boudewijn van Os

This looks like it is failing at this line in optionsFromCapabilities from the OpenLayers source :看起来它在 OpenLayers 源的optionsFromCapabilities中的这一行失败了:

export function optionsFromCapabilities(wmtsCap, config) {
  const layers = wmtsCap['Contents']['Layer'];

Check that you are getting a valid WMTSCapabilities.xml including the Contents tag It should look similar to this xml检查您是否获得了包含Contents标签的有效WMTSCapabilities.xml它应该类似于这个 xml

Thanks, I've got it working now with another approach, by programming origin,extend and resolution like this:谢谢,我现在用另一种方法让它工作,通过像这样的编程源、扩展和分辨率:

const size = ol.extent.getWidth(projectionExtent) / 256;
// Er zijn 20 (0 tot 19) zoomniveaus beschikbaar van de WMTS-service voor de BGT-Achtergrondkaart:
let matrixIds = new Array(20);
for (let z = 0; z < 10; ++z) {
    matrixIds[z] = 'EPSG:3857:0' + z;
for (let z = 10; z < 20; ++z) {
    matrixIds[z] = 'EPSG:3857:' + z;
const bgRaster = new ol.layer.Tile({
  extent: projectionExtent,
  source: new ol.source.WMTS({
 attributions: 'Kaartgegevens: &copy; <a href="https://www.kadaster.nl">Kadaster</a>',
                url: 'https://service.pdok.nl/brt/achtergrondkaart/wmts/v2_0?',
                layer: 'standaard',
                matrixSet: 'EPSG:3857',
                format: 'image/png',
                projection: projection,
                tileGrid: new ol.tilegrid.WMTS({
                    origin: ol.extent.getTopLeft(projectionExtent),
  //                  origin: -285401.92 + "," + 903402.0,
                    resolutions: resolutions,
                    matrixIds: matrixIds
                style: 'default',
                wrapX: false
      title: 'Kadaster',
      visible: true

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