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带事务的 NodeJS Mongoose | 找不到架构函数

[英]NodeJS Mongoose with Transactions | Can't find Schemafunction

I have here the following non-working minimalexample where i want to call customer.hello() but I will get an TypeError: customer.hello is not a function .我在这里有以下非工作最小示例,我想在其中调用customer.hello()但我会得到一个TypeError: customer.hello is not a function

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Customer = require('./models/Customer');

const start = async () => {
  const db = await mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGO_URI);
  const session = await db.startSession();
  try {
    const customer = await Customer.create([{ firstName: "john" }], { session: session });
    customer.hello(); //TypeError: customer.hello is not a function
    await session.commitTransaction();
  } catch (error) {
    await session.abortTransaction();
  finally {


The customer object after the await customer.create : await customer.create之后的customer对象:

    firstName: 'john',
    _id: new ObjectId("618fa6b968e8419bbf7ee952"),
    __v: 0
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const CustomerSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ firstName: { type: String } });

CustomerSchema.methods.hello = function () {
    return "hello";

module.exports = mongoose.model('Customer', CustomerSchema);

Why is customer.hello not a function?为什么customer.hello不是函数? If i change the code and use mongoose without transactions, I can then call the customer.hello() method successfully.如果我更改代码并在没有事务的情况下使用 mongoose,我就可以成功调用customer.hello()方法。

解决方案 将customer.hello()改为customer[0].hello()

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