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将我的 SharePoint(on-prime)门户作为应用程序添加到 MS Teams

[英]adding my SharePoint(on-prime) portal to MS Teams as App

I want to add my portal SharePoint (on-prem) to Microsoft Teams as the app does not tap, I am using appstudio app for that but when all steps are complete, the portal does not show (empty page) although my SharePoint portal authentication is office 365 AUTH (AAD).我想将我的门户 SharePoint(本地)添加到 Microsoft Teams,因为该应用程序没有点击,我appstudio使用了appstudio应用程序,但是当所有步骤完成后,尽管我的 SharePoint 门户身份验证,门户没有显示(空页面)是 office 365 AUTH (AAD)。

Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

Any advice?有什么建议吗?

There is an entire framework for doing this now in Teams, if this is for an "intranet" type of experience, called Viva Connections.现在在 Teams 中有一个完整的框架可以执行此操作,如果这是用于“内联网”类型的体验,称为 Viva Connections。 See more here . 在此处查看更多信息 It essentially embeds your SharePoint intranet into Teams for everyone in your organisation.它实质上将您的 SharePoint Intranet 嵌入到组织中的每个人的 Teams 中。

If you're wanting just any SharePoint page to be embedded as an "app" experience, I think you need to use a URL that tells Teams what you're trying to do.如果您只想将任何SharePoint 页面嵌入为“应用程序”体验,我认为您需要使用一个 URL 来告诉团队您要做什么。 I've not tested it, but try the steps in this blog post .我尚未对其进行测试,但请尝试此博客文章中的步骤。 Specifically notice step 11:特别注意第11步:

Content URL – https://[domainUrl]/_layouts/15/teamslogon.aspx?SPFX=true&dest=[pageUrl] Update the URL based on your own tenant details.内容 URL – https://[domainUrl]/_layouts/15/teamslogon.aspx?SPFX=true&dest=[pageUrl] 根据您自己的租户详细信息更新 URL。 Example URL would be https://contoso.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/teamslogon.aspx?SPFX=true&dest=/sites/theperspective/SitePages/Home.aspx The URL will need to be encoded to avoid issues accessing it across different devices.示例 URL 将是https://contoso.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/teamslogon.aspx?SPFX=true&dest=/sites/theperspective/SitePages/Home.aspx需要对 URL 进行编码以避免在不同的情况下访问它的问题设备。

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