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在 firebase 中从 SafetyNet 的应用程序检查中注销应用程序

[英]unregister app in App check from SafetyNet in firebase

I have registered App in safetyNet in App check in firebase console but, now I have to unregistered the app in safetyNet or disable safetyNet, How I do this?我已经在 firebase 控制台的 App check 中注册了 safetyNet 应用程序,但是现在我必须在 safetyNet 中注销该应用程序或禁用 safetyNet,我该怎么做?

Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/dashboard , choose your project and in the list of enabled APIs search for 'Google Play Integrity API', click it and disable. Go 到https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/dashboard ,选择您的项目并在已启用的 API 列表中搜索“Google Play Integrity API”,单击它并禁用。 When you go back to Firebase Console and refresh you should no longer see Play Integrity enabled.当您 go 返回到 Firebase 控制台并刷新时,您应该不会再看到 Play Integrity 已启用。

This is a little tricky and not intuitive since you have cannot remove the fingerprint on the App Check tab in your products settings.这有点棘手且不直观,因为您无法在产品设置中的 App Check 选项卡上删除指纹。

Instead, you must go to "Project settings > General > Your apps" at the bottom of the frame there is a "SHA certificate fingerprints" section which should contain the fingerprint you used to register your app in safetyNet.相反,您必须转到框架底部的“项目设置 > 常规 > 您的应用程序” ,那里有一个“SHA 证书指纹”部分,其中应包含您用于在安全网中注册应用程序的指纹。 Hovering over this fingerprint will display a trash icon which you can use to delete the fingerprint.将鼠标悬停在此指纹上将显示一个垃圾桶图标,您可以使用该图标删除指纹。

Navigating back to the App Check tab will show that the app in question is no longer registered with safetyNet导航回“应用程序检查”选项卡将显示相关应用程序不再在安全网注册

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