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[英]How do I do the exception without the traceback?

I have the function which you can see in the picture.我有你可以在图片中看到的功能。 How do I only return the last line only, when the exception is raised, without the other lines: traceback.., file"" etc.如何仅在引发异常时返回最后一行,而不返回其他行:traceback..、file"" 等。

def division(k, m):
        k / m
    except TypeError:
        raise ValueError ('hey') from None
    return k/ m


If you want to hide the exception, use pass instead of raising another exception.如果要隐藏异常,请使用pass而不是引发另一个异常。

def division(k, m):
        return k/m
    except TypeError:

If the exception occurs, this will return None by default.如果发生异常,默认情况下将返回None You could replace pass with a different return statement that returns whatever you want to use instead.您可以用不同的return语句替换pass ,该语句返回您想要使用的任何内容。

You shouldn't do the division again outside the try , since that will just get the error that you wanted to hide again.你不应该在try之外再次进行除法,因为那只会得到你想再次隐藏的错误。

Just put就放

import sys
sys.tracebacklimit = 0

Somewhere in your code.在您的代码中的某处。 It will apply to all of your exception tracebacks though.不过,它将适用于您的所有异常回溯。 I personally can't think of why I would do it, but knock yourself out!我个人想不出为什么我会这样做,但把自己打倒!

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