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SwiftUI 更改视图单击按钮

[英]SwiftUI Change View Clicking Button

I'm new to Swift.我是斯威夫特的新手。

I'm creating a quiz app with SwiftUI: https://imgur.com/a/j6Ele2f我正在使用 SwiftUI 创建一个测验应用程序: https ://imgur.com/a/j6Ele2f

I would like to change the question and possible answers when the correct button (here possibleAnswers[2]) is pressed.我想在按下正确的按钮(此处为 possibleAnswers[2])时更改问题和可能的答案。

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var question = "Was ist ein Sonett?"
    @State var possibleAnswers = [
        "Eine Stichwaffe",
        "Ein Musikinstrument",
        "Eine Gedichtsform",
        "Ein Pilz"
    var body: some View {
                ForEach(possibleAnswers.indices) { index in
                    Button(action: {
                        question = "Frage 2"
                    }) {

You need to have arrays of your questions, answers, correct answers.您需要有一系列问题、答案和正确答案。 Also you have to define something when you reach the last question (meaning when i = questions_count - 1)当你到达最后一个问题时,你也必须定义一些东西(意思是当 i = questions_count - 1)

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var i = 0 //counter
    @State var question = [
        "Was ist ein Sonett?",
        "question 2",
        "question 3"
    let questions_count = 3 // number of questions
    @State var possibleAnswers = [
        "Eine Stichwaffe",
        "Ein Musikinstrument",
        "Eine Gedichtsform",
        "Ein Pilz"
    let correct_answears = [2,1,3]
    var body: some View {
        ForEach(0..<4) // 4 = number of answears
        { index in
            Button(action: {
                if i < questions_count - 1{
                    // condition of correct answear
                    if index == correct_answears[i] {
                        i = i+1
                } else  {
                    i = 0
            }) {

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