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如何将标志传递给 klog 以进行结构化日志记录

[英]How to pass a flag to klog for structured logging

As part of kubernetes 1.19, structured logging has been implemented.作为 kubernetes 1.19 的一部分, 结构化日志已经被实现。

I've read that kubernetes log's engine is klog and structured logs are following this format :读过kubernetes 日志的引擎是klog并且结构化日志遵循以下格式:

<klog header> "<message>" <key1>="<value1>" <key2>="<value2>" ...

Cool !凉爽的 ! But even better, you apparently can pass a --logging-format=json flag to klog so logs are generated in json directly !但更好的是,您显然可以将--logging-format=json标志传递给klog以便直接在json中生成日志!

   "ts": 1580306777.04728,
   "v": 4,
   "msg": "Pod status updated",
      "name": "nginx-1",
      "namespace": "default"
   "status": "ready"

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find out how and where I should specify that --logging-format=json flag.不幸的是,我一直无法找出我应该如何以及在哪里指定--logging-format=json标志。

Is it a kubectl command?kubectl命令吗? I'm using Azure's aks.我正在使用 Azure 的 aks。

--logging-format=json is a flag which need to be set on all Kuberentes System Components ( Kubelet, API-Server, Controller-Manager & Scheduler). --logging-format=json是一个需要在所有 Kuberentes 系统组件(Kubelet、API-Server、Controller-Manager 和 Scheduler)上设置的标志。 You can check all flags here .您可以在此处查看所有标志。

Unfortunately you cant do it right now with AKS as you have the managed control plane from Microsoft.不幸的是,您现在无法使用 AKS 完成此操作,因为您拥有来自 Microsoft 的托管控制平面。

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