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Power BI 和 Azure 分析服务有什么区别

[英]What is the difference between Power BI and Azure analyses services

I'm trying to understand the difference between those two things: Power BI and Azure Analyses Services.我试图了解这两件事之间的区别:Power BI 和 Azure 分析服务。 Is that the same?那是一样的吗? What advantages does AAS give using it with Power BI?将 AAS 与 Power BI 结合使用有哪些优势? I found a lot of articles comparing Power BI Premium with AAS.我发现很多文章比较 Power BI Premium 和 AAS。 But what if I have "pro" version?但是如果我有“专业”版本呢? It's still unclear in which case I should use any of these tools.目前还不清楚在哪种情况下我应该使用这些工具中的任何一个。

I will be thankful if somebody explains what is each tool for.如果有人解释每种工具的用途,我将不胜感激。 Thanks in advance提前致谢

It is oversimplified, but we could say that Azure Analysis Services (AAS) is a cloud version of SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) .它过于简单,但我们可以说Azure 分析服务 (AAS)SQL 服务器分析服务 (SSAS)的云版本。 But while SSAS has some data visualization capabilities, AAS is intended to build data models in Azure.但是虽然 SSAS 具有一些数据可视化能力,但 AAS 旨在构建 Azure 中的数据模型。 Usually Excel, Power BI or another tool is used to visualize and analyze these models.通常使用 Excel、Power BI 或其他工具来可视化和分析这些模型。 Think for AAS and SSAS as a place, where you can store your data and build data models, while Power BI is a layer above it.将 AAS 和 SSAS 视为一个可以存储数据和构建数据模型的地方,而 Power BI 是它之上的一层。

Power BI is also a broad set of tools. Power BI 也是一组广泛的工具。 You can use Power BI Desktop application to design and build reports.你可以使用Power BI Desktop应用程序来设计和构建报表。 It can connects to hundreds different data sources and can be used on your Windows PC completely free, even without an account for Power BI.它可以连接到数百个不同的数据源,并且可以完全免费地在您的 Windows PC 上使用,即使没有 Power BI 帐户也是如此。 Under the hood, it runs SSAS to store the data and the model, but this is transparent for the user.在底层,它运行 SSAS 来存储数据和 model,但这对用户来说是透明的。

Power BI Service is a service provided by Microsoft, where you can publish reports made with Power BI Desktop, and then these reports can be seen in a web browser. Power BI Service是微软提供的一项服务,您可以在其中发布使用 Power BI Desktop 制作的报表,然后在 web 浏览器中可以看到这些报表。 These reports are hosted and rendered in a shared infrastructure, which means that your reports are hosted and rendered on the same servers, as reports by other users.这些报表在共享基础架构中托管和呈现,这意味着您的报表与其他用户的报表一样在相同的服务器上托管和呈现。 To be able to publish reports there, you must have an account for Power BI.为了能够在那里发布报告,您必须拥有 Power BI 帐户。 They are two types - a free one and Pro.它们有两种类型——免费的和专业的。 So Power BI Pro is just a paid ($10/user/month) license to use Power BI Service.因此, Power BI Pro只是使用 Power BI 服务的付费(10 美元/用户/月)许可证。

Power BI Premium is an offering from Microsoft, which gives you a dedicated hardware (they call it capacity ) to host and render your Power BI reports. Power BI Premium 是 Microsoft 的产品,它为你提供专用硬件(他们称之为capacity )来托管和呈现你的 Power BI 报告。 So if you publish a report to Power BI Service, you can buy a dedicated capacity (either Power BI Premium or Power BI Embedded ) and assign your reports to it - then it will be used to render your reports and it will not be shared with other Power BI users.因此,如果您将报表发布到 Power BI 服务,您可以购买专用容量( Power BI PremiumPower BI Embedded )并将您的报表分配给它 - 然后它将用于呈现您的报表并且不会与其他 Power BI 用户。 You can think for this as a "shared web hosting" vs "dedicated web server/VPS hosting".您可以将此视为“共享 web 托管”与“专用 web 服务器/VPS 托管”。 Power BI Premium is quite expensive and can't be paused (ie using it or not, you pay a monthly fee), while Power BI Embedded is a similar offering, but as an Azure service, which doesn't has this commitment and can be paused when not used (think for this as a VM in Azure, which you can start and stop whenever you want). Power BI Premium 相当昂贵且无法暂停(即使用与否,您支付月费),而 Power BI Embedded 是类似的产品,但作为 Azure 服务,没有此承诺,可以在不使用时暂停(将此视为 Azure 中的 VM,您可以随时启动和停止)。

Power BI Premium has different SKUs - P1, P2, P3, EM1, etc. These P SKUs gives you some additional options. Power BI Premium 具有不同的 SKU - P1、P2、P3、EM1 等。这些 P SKU 为您提供了一些额外的选项。 Normally, to share a report published in Power BI Service, both you and the users which whom the report is shared, should have Power BI Pro licenses.通常,要共享在 Power BI 服务中发布的报表,您和共享该报表的用户都应该拥有 Power BI Pro 许可证。 If you pay for Premium P SKU, then only the publisher of the report must pay for a Pro license, while the consumers can use Power BI Free licenses.如果您为 Premium P SKU 付费,则只有报告的发布者必须为 Pro 许可证付费,而消费者可以使用 Power BI Free 许可证。 So Power BI Premium usually is cost effective for organizations with a large number of users.因此,对于拥有大量用户的组织而言,Power BI Premium 通常具有成本效益。

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