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如何在飞镖/颤振中解码复杂的 json?

[英]how to decode complex json in dart/flutter?

After my request to server i get this json:在我向服务器发出请求后,我得到了这个 json:

        "id": 56012,
        "name": "The name",
        "description": "<p>description</p>\n",
        "regular_price": "45000",
        "sale_price": "45000",
        "tags": [],
        "images": [
                "id": 56043,
                "src": "pic link",

i want to decode them and show them on my screen我想解码它们并在我的屏幕上显示它们

so my class model is:所以我的 class model 是:

class ProductModel {
  late int _id;
  late String _name;
  late String _regular_price;
  late String _description;
  late var _image;

  ProductModel(this._id, this._name, this._regular_price, this._description,

  get image => _image;

  set image(value) {
    _image = value;

  String get regular_price => _regular_price;

  set regular_price(String value) {
    _regular_price = value;

  String get description => _description;

  set description(String value) {
    _description = value;

  String get name => _name;

  set name(String value) {
    _name = value;

  int get id => _id;

  set id(int value) {
    _id = value;

now i have decoded this json like this:现在我已经像这样解码了这个 json:

var bodybytedecoded= jsonDecode(utf8.decode(response.bodyBytes));
 var productItem = ProductModel(bodybytedecoded["id"], bodybytedecoded["name"], bodybytedecoded["regular_price"],bodybytedecoded["description"],bodybytedecoded["image"]["src"]);

i can access to id, name, description but i can't use src in image array, and it doesn't load on my screen.我可以访问 id、name、description,但我不能在图像数组中使用 src,并且它不会加载到我的屏幕上。

is there any solution?有什么解决办法吗?





try with this试试这个

bodybytedecoded["image"][0]["src"] // here you change the index of image 

bodybytedecoded["image"][0]["id"] //for id bodybytedecoded["image"][0]["id"] //为id

bodybytedecoded["image"][0]["src"] // for src bodybytedecoded["image"][0]["src"] // 用于 src

//just print data to console //只打印数据到控制台


//you got 56043, //你有 56043,

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