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在 android 中处理网络请求响应

[英]Handling a network request response in android

I created an android application to handle network requests using Volley API.我创建了一个 android 应用程序来使用 Volley API 处理网络请求。 I have managed to get a response from the server but I am failing to loop through the different objects of the result JSON and when I add data to a Listview it is only giving me the application's package name with a number added at the end.我已经设法从服务器获得响应,但是我无法遍历结果 JSON 的不同对象,当我将数据添加到 Listview 时,它只给了我应用程序的 package 名称,并在末尾添加了一个数字。

This is the response that I want to handle.这是我要处理的响应。

    "list": [
            "dt": 1637172000,
            "main": {
                "temp": 301.79,
                "feels_like": 300.34,
                "temp_min": 298.24,
                "temp_max": 301.79,
                "pressure": 1008,
                "sea_level": 1008,
                "grnd_level": 854,
                "humidity": 20,
                "temp_kf": 3.55
            "weather": [
                    "id": 800,
                    "main": "Clear",
                    "description": "clear sky",
                    "icon": "01n"
            "clouds": {
                "all": 7
            "wind": {
                "speed": 3.77,
                "deg": 46,
                "gust": 8.98
            "visibility": 10000,
            "pop": 0,
            "sys": {
                "pod": "n"
            "dt_txt": "2021-11-17 18:00:00"

The object model and its fields object model及其字段

public class WeatherReportModel {

    private int dt;
    private JSONObject main;
    private JSONArray weather;
    private JSONObject clouds;
    private JSONObject wind;
    private int visibility;
    private double pop;
    private JSONObject sys;
    private String dt_txt;

    public WeatherReportModel(
            int dt, 
            JSONObject main, 
            JSONArray weather, 
            JSONObject clouds, 
            JSONObject wind, 
            int visibility, 
            double pop, 
            JSONObject sys, 
            String dt_txt) {
        this.dt = dt;
        this.main = main;
        this.weather = weather;
        this.clouds = clouds;
        this.wind = wind;
        this.visibility = visibility;
        this.pop = pop;
        this.sys = sys;
        this.dt_txt = dt_txt;

This is call back function which fetches the responses and add to the Model's object这是回调 function 获取响应并添加到模型的 object

public void getWeather(VolleyResponseListener forecast) {

        List<WeatherReportModel> weatherReportModels = new ArrayList<>();

        JsonObjectRequest request = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, url, null,
                new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
                    public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {

                        try {
                            JSONArray weather_list = response.getJSONArray("list");

                            // get the first item

                            for (int i = 0; i < weather_list.length(); i++) {

                                WeatherReportModel one_day_weather = new WeatherReportModel();

                                JSONObject first_day_from_api = (JSONObject) weather_list.get(i);



                        } catch (JSONException e) {

                new Response.ErrorListener() {
                    public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {


        //get the property call consolidated weather


Usually, ArrayAdapter when used like this will try to use toString() function to get the value and display it.通常,ArrayAdapter 这样使用时会尝试使用 toString() function 来获取值并显示它。 Try to override the toString in the WeatherReportModel and try again.尝试覆盖WeatherReportModel中的 toString 并重试。

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