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将 cmdlet 响应存储在变量中时出现 PowerShell 编码问题

[英]PowerShell encoding issue when storing cmdlet response in variable

I've spent the last hour or so trying to figure out what's happening here, and I simply can't figure out the cause, nor have I accidentally stumbled upon a workaround.我花了最后一个小时左右试图弄清楚这里发生了什么,但我根本无法找出原因,也没有偶然发现解决方法。

When I run winget upgrade the data returned is correctly encoded:当我运行winget upgrade时,返回的数据已正确编码:

winget 响应正确编码

Yet if I store the response of winget upgrade in a variable ( $winget = winget upgrade; $winget; ), some characters break, and it seems like an encoding issue:然而,如果我将 winget upgrade 的响应存储在一个变量中( $winget = winget upgrade; $winget; ),一些字符会中断,这似乎是一个编码问题:


cmdlets like this will always return strings to PowerShell, so I guess assigning the response to the variable is applying some default text encoding, perhaps from my PowerShell profile?像这样的 cmdlet 将始终将字符串返回到 PowerShell,所以我想将响应分配给变量正在应用一些默认文本编码,可能来自我的 PowerShell 配置文件? I've tried casting most of the common codes on the variable, but it ends up breaking the data entirely.我已经尝试在变量上强制转换大多数常见代码,但它最终完全破坏了数据。

I've even dumped the data out in every possible encoding type and they're all broken:我什至以每种可能的编码类型将数据转储出来,它们都被破坏了:

winget upgrade | Out-File -FilePath C:\tmp\test1.txt -Encoding ascii
winget upgrade | Out-File -FilePath C:\tmp\test3.txt -Encoding default
winget upgrade | Out-File -FilePath C:\tmp\test4.txt -Encoding string
winget upgrade | Out-File -FilePath C:\tmp\test5.txt -Encoding unicode
winget upgrade | Out-File -FilePath C:\tmp\test7.txt -Encoding utf32
winget upgrade | Out-File -FilePath C:\tmp\test8.txt -Encoding utf7
winget upgrade | Out-File -FilePath C:\tmp\test9.txt -Encoding utf8

I've managed to affect the faulty characters by re-encoding the string, bt hasn't fix the issue:我已经设法通过重新编码字符串来影响错误字符,bt 没有解决问题:

$originalBytes = [Text.Encoding]::Default.GetBytes('Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x6')


Credit to @JosefZ for sharing the solution, which can be found here: How to configure the encoding for Powershell console?感谢@JosefZ 分享解决方案,可在此处找到: 如何配置 Powershell 控制台的编码?

This is the output of [console]::OutputEncoding :这是[console]::OutputEncoding

PS C:\> [console]::OutputEncoding                             
IsSingleByte      : True                                      
BodyName          : ibm850                                    
EncodingName      : Western European (DOS)                    
HeaderName        : ibm850                                    
WebName           : ibm850                                    
WindowsCodePage   : 1252                                      
IsBrowserDisplay  : False                                     
IsBrowserSave     : False                                     
IsMailNewsDisplay : False                                     
IsMailNewsSave    : False                                     
EncoderFallback   : System.Text.InternalEncoderBestFitFallback
DecoderFallback   : System.Text.InternalDecoderBestFitFallback
IsReadOnly        : True                                      
CodePage          : 850                                       

This is the output of [Console]::Out :这是[Console]::Out的 output :

PS C:\> [Console]::Out                                 
Encoding                         FormatProvider NewLine
--------                         -------------- -------
System.Text.SBCSCodePageEncoding en-GB          ...    

Changing my console output to UTF-8 using [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 has solved the issue.使用[Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8将我的控制台 output 更改为 UTF-8 解决了这个问题。

Now, when I store the cmdlet response in a variable, all is right in the world:现在,当我将 cmdlet 响应存储在变量中时,一切正常:

PS C:\> [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 
PS C:\> $winget = winget upgrade                                 
PS C:\> $winget 
Name                                           Id                                    Version       Available     Source
Signal                                         OpenWhisperSystems.Signal             5.20.0        5.23.1        winget
Cisco Webex Meetings                           Cisco.CiscoWebexMeetings              41.9.5    winget
Audacity                                       Audacity.Audacity                     3.0.4         3.1.2         winget
Docker Desktop                                 Docker.DockerDesktop                  4.1.1         4.2.0         winget
Git                                            Git.Git                           2.34.0        winget
MongoDB Compass                                MongoDB.Compass.Full                  1.28.4      winget
TeamViewer                                     TeamViewer.TeamViewer                 15.22.3       15.23.9       winget
Visual Studio Community 2019                   Microsoft.VisualStudio.2019.Community 16.11.3       16.11.7       winget
Insomnia                                       Insomnia.Insomnia                     2021.5.3      2021.6.0      winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x6… Microsoft.VC++2013Redist-x64          12.0.30501.0  12.0.40664.0  winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributabl… Microsoft.VC++2015-2019Redist-x64     14.29.30133.0 14.29.30135.0 winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributabl… Microsoft.VC++2015-2019Redist-x86     14.29.30133.0 14.29.30135.0 winget
Node.js LTS                                    OpenJS.NodeJS.LTS                     14.17.6       16.13.0       winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributabl… Microsoft.VC++2015-2019Redist-x64     14.28.29914.0 14.29.30135.0 winget
ScreenToGif                                    NickeManarin.ScreenToGif              2.33.1        2.34.1        winget
MongoDB                                        MongoDB.Server                        5.0.2         5.1.0         winget
AWS Command Line Interface                     Amazon.AWSCLI                      winget
Chrome Remote Desktop Host                     Google.ChromeRemoteDesktop            92.0.4515.41  96.0.4664.39  winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x8… Microsoft.VC++2013Redist-x86          12.0.30501.0  12.0.40664.0  winget
19 upgrades available.                                                                                                                                                  

I know you said replacing the characters is not an option.我知道你说替换字符不是一种选择。 I'm curious to see what you come up with.我很好奇你想出了什么。 For the rest of us, here is a little code that will turn the output of winget upgrade into usable object.对于我们的 rest,这里有一个小代码,它将把winget upgrade的 output 变成可用的 object。

(winget upgrade) -replace 'ΓǪ|…|…',' ' | ForEach-Object {
    if($_ -match '(.+?)\s{2,}(.+?)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$'){
        $Matches[1..5] -join '|'
} | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter '|'

Here is the default output in list form这是列表形式的默认 output

Name      : Cisco Webex Meetings
Id        : Cisco.CiscoWebexMeetings
Version   : 41.9.5
Available :
Source    : winget

Name      : Discord
Id        : Discord.Discord
Version   : 0.0.309
Available : 1.0.9003
Source    : winget

Name      : GitHub Desktop
Id        : GitHub.GitHubDesktop
Version   : 2.9.0
Available : 2.9.4
Source    : winget

And when using Format-Table并且在使用Format-Table

Name                                       Id                                    Version         Available      Source
----                                       --                                    -------         ---------      ------
Visual Studio Community 2019               Microsoft.VisualStudio.2019.Community 16.10.31410.357 16.11.7        winget
Cisco Webex Meetings                       Cisco.CiscoWebexMeetings              41.9.5     winget
Discord                                    Discord.Discord                       0.0.309         1.0.9003       winget

I've tested in 5.1, 7.2, ISE, and Visual Studio Code.我在 5.1、7.2、ISE 和 Visual Studio Code 中进行了测试。

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