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如何在 TypeScript 中使用具有派生参数类型的通用 args 变量调用 function?

[英]How do I call a function using a generic args variable with a derived Parameters type in TypeScript?

When calling a function n with arguments spread from a variable of type Parameters< n >, everything seems to be in order as you might expect.当调用n n和 arguments 从参数类型的变量传播时,一切似乎都如您所料。 But it seems as though adding a layer of indirection throws a wrench in things, eg但是似乎添加一层间接性会引起麻烦,例如

    type EventSchema = {
      'performTask': (task: string, data: number) => void

    // Mapping keys of EventSchema to arrays of listener methods
    const listeners: {[p in keyof EventSchema]: EventSchema[p][]} = {
      'performTask': []

    export function emitGlobalEvent<K extends keyof EventSchema>(event: K, ...args: Parameters<EventSchema[K]>) {
      listeners[event].forEach((listener) => {
        listener(...args); // Error: A spread argument must either have a tuple type or be passed to a rest parameter.

When changing the ...args type to explicitly be (task: string, data: number) => void , no error is thrown....args类型显式更改为(task: string, data: number) => void时,不会引发错误。 It seems as though the compiler is able to infer the type correctly, and it is a tuple, so why would this error occur here?似乎编译器能够正确推断类型,并且它是一个元组,那么为什么会出现这个错误呢?

In order to assure TS that it is safe to pass ...args to listener , I think it worth provide your function with listeners argument:为了确保 TS 将...args传递给listener是安全的,我认为值得为您的 function 提供listeners参数:

type EventSchema = {
    'performTask': (task: string, data: number) => void

// Mapping keys of EventSchema to arrays of listener methods
const listeners: { [p in keyof EventSchema]: EventSchema[p][] } = {
    'performTask': []

export function emitGlobalEvent<
    K extends keyof EventSchema,
    Listeners extends Record<K, Array<(...args: Parameters<EventSchema[K]>) => void>>
>(listeners: Listeners, event: K, ...args: Parameters<EventSchema[K]>) {
    listeners[event].forEach((listener) => {
        listener(...args); // no error

emitGlobalEvent(listeners, 'performTask', 'task', 42)

Playground 操场

Don't forget that you can curry it:不要忘记你可以curry它:

type EventSchema = {
    'performTask': (task: string, data: number) => void

// Mapping keys of EventSchema to arrays of listener methods
const listeners: { [p in keyof EventSchema]: EventSchema[p][] } = {
    'performTask': []

const withListeners = <
    K extends keyof EventSchema,
    Listeners extends Record<K, Array<(...args: Parameters<EventSchema[K]>) => void>>
>(listeners: Listeners,) =>
    (event: K, ...args: Parameters<EventSchema[K]>) =>
        listeners[event].forEach((listener) => listener(...args));

const emitGlobalEvent = withListeners(listeners)

emitGlobalEvent('performTask', 'task', 42)

Playground 操场


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