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从包含特定 Css-Value 的 HTML-Code 中获取每个 ID

[英]Get every ID from HTML-Code which contains certain Css-Value

Im trying to get every ID from HTML-Code which contains certain Css-Value and write them into a List.我试图从包含某些 Css 值的 HTML 代码中获取每个 ID 并将它们写入列表。

I already can get the first ID by using:我已经可以使用以下方法获取第一个 ID:

List<string> MyList = new List<string>();
int Count = driver.FindElements(By.TagName("My_Value")).Count;

for(int i=0; i<Count; i++)
     string ID = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("div.My_Value")).GetAttribute("id");


The problem is, that i always get the first ID from the HTML-Code althoug MyValue exist in different ID´s.问题是,我总是从 HTML 代码中获取第一个 ID,尽管 MyValue 存在于不同的 ID 中。 So how can i tell the programm to 'Jump' the allready checked Values?.那么我怎样才能告诉程序“跳转”已经检查的值呢?

The code looks fine, but it is not running a loop, as you say it is finding the 1st element that matches your criteria, then is complete.代码看起来不错,但它没有运行循环,正如您所说,它正在查找符合您的条件的第一个元素,然后完成。 To get all of them, try:要获得所有这些,请尝试:

string ID = driver.FindElements(By.CssSelector("div.My_Value")).GetAttribute("id");

Not tried this myself, but give it a go我自己没试过,但给它一个 go

If you are constructing the list using By.TagName("My_Value") only the <My_Value> elements will be collected and put into the list, ie如果您使用By.TagName("My_Value")构建列表,则只会收集<My_Value>元素并将其放入列表中,即

<My_Value>class="foo bar"...</My_Value> 

Moving forward, within the loop FindElement(By.CssSelector("div.My_Value")) identifies only the <div> elements with class attribute as My_Value ie向前看,在循环内FindElement(By.CssSelector("div.My_Value"))仅标识具有class属性为My_Value<div>元素,即


So the outer FindElements() and innerloop FindElement() doesn't match.所以外部FindElements()和内部循环FindElement()不匹配。 Hence you don't get all the values.因此,您不会获得所有值。


To iterate over all the collected list elements you need to use:要遍历所有收集的列表元素,您需要使用:

string ID = driver.FindElement(By.TagName("My_Value")).GetAttribute("id");

I figured it out.我想到了。

You have to use a var variable to safe all the element´s.您必须使用 var 变量来保护所有元素。 And get the ID´s through a foreach Loop.并通过 foreach 循环获取 ID。

List<string> MyList = new List<string>();

var ID = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("div.My_Value"));

foreach(IWebElement element in ID)

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