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如何使用循环运行 c 程序来查找两个数字的余数而不使用乘法、除法和模运算符?

[英]How to run a c program using loops to find the remainder of two numbers without using multiplication, division and modulo operators?

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int num1, num2;

    printf ("Input value for num1: ");
    scanf ("%d", &num1);
    printf ("Input value for num2: ");
    scanf ("%d", &num2);   

    int prod =0, i;
    for(i = 1; i <= num1; i++){
        prod += num2;

    int quo = 0 , rem = 0;
    for(rem = num1 - num2; rem >= 0; rem = rem-num2) {
        if(rem < 0)             

    //The last part is that i need to find the remainder without  using multiplication, division and the modulo itself.

    printf ("The product of %d and %d is: %d\n", num1, num2, prod);
    printf ("The integer quotient of %d and %d is: %d\n", num1, num2, quo);

    return 0;

If you want a slow calculation of num1 % num2 (ie without multiplication/division) you can do:如果您想要缓慢计算num1 % num2 (即没有乘法/除法),您可以执行以下操作:

// Calculate num1 % num2

unsigned rem(unsigned num1, unsigned num2)
    if (num2 == 0) {.... error handling ....}

    while (num1 >= num2) num1 -= num2;
    return num1;

int main(void)
    unsigned num1 = 42;
    unsigned num1 = 3;
    unsigned rem = rem(num1, num2);
    printf("%u", rem);
    return 0;

The simplest solution for calculating a mod b for positive integers a and b with only subtraction and addition is to subtract b from a until the result is smaller than a .仅通过减法和加法计算正整数ab a mod b的最简单解决方案是从a中减去b直到结果小于a However, this takes many iterations if b is much smaller than a .但是,如果b远小于a ,则需要多次迭代。

A method with better worst-case performance is the following:具有更好的最坏情况性能的方法如下:

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned rem(unsigned a, unsigned b)
    if(b == 0) return 0;  // Error
    while(a >= b)
        unsigned s = b;
            a = a - s;
            s = s + s;
        } while(a >= s);
    return a;

int main(void)
    unsigned example = rem(32453, 3);
    printf("%u\n", example);

This method is based on the fact that to get closer to the result, we can subtract any multiple of b as long as it is smaller than a , so in each inner iteration we try to subtract twice the multiples of the last iteration until the subtractor becomes too large and we start over again with a single multiple of b .该方法基于这样一个事实,即为了更接近结果,我们可以减去b的任意倍数,只要它小于a ,因此在每次内部迭代中,我们尝试减去上一次迭代的倍数的两倍,直到减法器变得太大,我们从b的单个倍数重新开始。

Be aware that this will give wrong results if s = s + s;请注意,如果s = s + s; overflows the unsigned range.溢出unsigned范围。 Hence, a should not be larger than half the upper limit of unsigned .因此, a不应大于unsigned上限的一半。

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