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使用 YARA 检查时 phpseclib 中的 DangerousPhp

[英]DangerousPhp inside phpseclib when checking with YARA

When doing malware scanning inside the PHP app using YARA ,在使用YARA在 PHP 应用程序中进行恶意软件扫描时,

yara -r./php.yar -s /myapp

DangerousPhp /myapp/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php
0x1140c:$system: system
0x1083a:$: call_user_func
0x1671f:$: call_user_func
0x154:$: EXEC

The malware finder tool used inside is https://github.com/nbs-system/php-malware-finder/里面使用的恶意软件查找工具是https://github.com/nbs-system/php-malware-finder/

The phpseclib library file that's throwing this error is https://github.com/phpseclib/phpseclib/blob/master/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php引发此错误的 phpseclib 库文件是https://github.com/phpseclib/phpseclib/blob/master/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php

Any help would be highly appreciated.任何帮助将不胜感激。

False positive.假阳性。 It's unclear what version of phpseclib you're using but let's assume you're using the latest 2.0 release (2.0.34).目前尚不清楚您使用的是哪个版本的 phpseclib,但我们假设您使用的是最新的 2.0 版本 (2.0.34)。 call_user_func only occurs on line 2946: call_user_func仅出现在第 2946 行:

https://github.com/phpseclib/phpseclib/blob/2.0.34/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php#L2946 https://github.com/phpseclib/phpseclib/blob/2.0.34/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php#L2946

                    if (is_callable($callback)) {
                        if (call_user_func($callback, $temp) === true) {
                            return true;
                    } else {
                        $output.= $temp;

It's in the exec() method.它在 exec() 方法中。 $callback is a parameter who's purpose is discussed at https://phpseclib.com/docs/commands#callbacks . $callback是一个参数,其用途在https://phpseclib.com/docs/commands#callbacks中讨论。 The 3.0 branch does $callback($temp) instead of callback_user_func($temp) but it's the same basic idea. 3.0 分支执行$callback($temp)而不是callback_user_func($temp)但它是相同的基本思想。 Probably $callback($temp) doesn't work on older versions of PHP whereas callback_user_func($temp) does.可能$callback($temp)不适用于旧版本的 PHP 而callback_user_func($temp)可以。

call_user_func_array is called twice in SSH2.php. call_user_func_array在 SSH2.php 中被调用了两次。 Once on line 2227 and once on line 3375 .一次在2227 行,一次在3375 行

Line 2227 is in the login method.第 2227 行在login方法中。 Here's what that method does:这是该方法的作用:

    function login($username)
        $args = func_get_args();
        $this->auth[] = $args;

        // try logging with 'none' as an authentication method first since that's what
        // PuTTY does
        if (substr($this->server_identifier, 0, 15) != 'SSH-2.0-CoreFTP' && $this->auth_methods_to_continue === null) {
            if ($this->_login($username)) {
                return true;
            if (count($args) == 1) {
                return false;
        return call_user_func_array(array(&$this, '_login'), $args);

In phpseclib 3.0.11 it's doing return $this->sublogin($username, ...$args);在 phpseclib 3.0.11 中,它正在执行return $this->sublogin($username, ...$args); but the basic idea is that it's taking each element of $args and passing it as an individual parameter to $this->_login .但基本思想是它获取$args的每个元素并将其作为单独的参数传递给$this->_login Like if you did $this->_login($args) then _login would only be taking a single parameter.就像你做$this->_login($args)那么_login只会采用一个参数。 PHP 5.6 introduced the splat (...) operator but phpseclib 2 runs on PHP 5.3 so you have to do call_user_func_array or just use a single parameter and that's it. PHP 5.6 引入了 splat (...) 运算符,但 phpseclib 2 在 PHP 5.3 上运行,因此您必须执行call_user_func_array或仅使用单个参数,仅此而已。

Here's the other instance of call_user_func_array :这是call_user_func_array的另一个实例:

    function _reconnect()
        $this->retry_connect = true;
        if (!$this->_connect()) {
            return false;
        foreach ($this->auth as $auth) {
            $result = call_user_func_array(array(&$this, 'login'), $auth);
        return $result;

So same thing.所以同样的事情。

So like I said, this is a nothing sandwich.所以就像我说的,这是一个没有三明治的东西。 A false positive.误报。

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