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Discord js bot:无法向具有特定角色的用户发送 DM

[英]Discord js bot: Cannot send DM to users with specific role

I seem to be having serious trouble sending DM's to all users with a specific role.我似乎在向具有特定角色的所有用户发送 DM 时遇到了严重的问题。

Here is my bot code:这是我的机器人代码:

bot.on('message', async message => {
    members = message.guild.roles.cache.find(role => role.id === "12345678998765").members.map(m => m.user.id);
    members.forEach(member_id => {
        sleep(5000).then(() => {
            message.users.fetch(member_id, false).then((user) => {
                user.send("some message");

This code gives me the error:这段代码给了我错误:

Cannot read properties of null (reading 'roles')无法读取 null 的属性(读取“角色”)

on this line:在这条线上:

members = message.guild.roles.cache.find(role => role.id ===....成员 = message.guild.roles.cache.find(role => role.id ===....

However that is not the issue.然而,这不是问题。 When I comment out the sleep command to send the message and output the member roles using:当我注释掉发送消息的睡眠命令和 output 成员角色使用:

members.forEach(member_id => {


        //sleep(5000).then(() => {
        //    bot.users.fetch(member_id, false).then((user) => {
        //        user.send("some message");
        //     });

I get a list returned in the console of all the user ID's.. So it must be returning the roles.我在控制台中返回了所有用户 ID 的列表。所以它必须返回角色。

How do I send a message to all users with a specific role ID??如何向具有特定角色 ID 的所有用户发送消息? I want to be able to loop through them and put a wait in to reduce the API requests and spam trigger.我希望能够遍历它们并等待以减少 API 请求和垃圾邮件触发器。

To fix your first issue, message.guild will be null in DM.要解决您的第一个问题, message.guild将是 DM 中的null Make sure it isn't DM, or if it has to be, choose a guild with client.guilds.cache.get("id") .确保它不是 DM,或者如果必须是,请使用client.guilds.cache.get("id")选择一个公会。

bot.on("message", async message => {
    let { guild } = message
    if (!guild) guild = bot.guilds.cache.get("id")

To fix your other issue, you can run GuildMember#send() rather than getting the IDs and fetching the users要解决您的其他问题,您可以运行GuildMember#send()而不是获取 ID 并获取用户

bot.on("message", async message => {
    let { guild } = message
    if (!guild) guild = bot.guilds.cache.get("id")
    let members = guild.roles.cache.get("12345678998765").members 
    // I used .get here because it's getting by ID
    members.forEach(member => {
        sleep(5000).then(() => member.send("some message"));

The above code will get all the GuildMember s and loop through every one of them, "sleeping" for 5 seconds (if the sleep parameter is milliseconds) and send the member a DM上面的代码将获取所有GuildMember并循环遍历每一个,“休眠”5 秒(如果 sleep 参数为毫秒)并向成员发送 DM

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