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如何使用 C# 工作人员服务将正确的配置数据推送到 swarm/kubernetes?

[英]How to push the correct configuration data with C# worker service to swarm/kubernetes?

I have 3 configs in service:我在服务中有 3 个配置:

1 - appsettings.development.json
2 - appsettings.testing.json
3 - appsettings.production.json

And i have 3 launch settings for them as well in launchsettings.json :我在launchsettings.json中也有 3 个启动设置:

    "profiles": {
        "DevelopmentDockerProfile" {
            "commandName": "Docker",
            "environmentVariables": {
                "DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT": "development"
        "ProductionDockerProfile" {
            "commandName": "Docker",
            "environmentVariables": {
                "DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT": "production"
        "TestingDockerProfile" {
            "commandName": "Docker",
            "environmentVariables": {
                "DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT": "testing"

And i can normally run service, using correct configuration only on local machine.而且我可以正常运行服务,只在本地机器上使用正确的配置。

I can not push DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT variable with service when publishing.发布时,我无法使用服务推送DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT变量。

Is there any way to bind environment variable to publishProfile.pubxml or whatever else, that environment variable DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT will magically appear in docker service on host machine?有没有办法将环境变量绑定到publishProfile.pubxml或其他任何东西,该环境变量DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT会神奇地出现在主机上的 docker 服务中?

Short answer简短的回答

No, there is no such option.不,没有这样的选择。

Longer one更长的一个

First of all, you can easily set environment variables using Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("name", "value") .首先,您可以使用Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("name", "value")轻松设置环境变量。 But that's probably not what you want.但这可能不是你想要的。

What you might want is to configure environment variables in configs for container/orchestration tool you use, either set in docker command line ( docker run -e VARIABLE_NAME=value ) or in docker-compose.yml for Docker Compose or in service YAML config for k8s. What you might want is to configure environment variables in configs for container/orchestration tool you use, either set in docker command line ( docker run -e VARIABLE_NAME=value ) or in docker-compose.yml for Docker Compose or in service YAML config for k8s.

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