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class 的重载成员 function 能否取决于该 class 的重载构造函数的结果?

[英]Can an overloaded member function of a class depend on the outcome of an overloaded constructor of that class?

I have a class with an overloaded constructor where each version of the constructor initializes a different set of private attributes for that class.我有一个带有重载构造函数的 class,其中每个版本的构造函数都为该 class 初始化一组不同的私有属性。 I also have a public member function of that class that will perform some operation based on the private attributes of that class.我还有一个 class 的公共成员 function,它将根据 class 的私有属性执行一些操作。 I want to overload the member function so that when I call it from the main function, it will execute an operation and return a value.我想重载成员 function 以便当我从主 function 调用它时,它将执行一个操作并返回一个值。 Each operation will be different based on the exact outcome of the corresponding constructor.每个操作将根据相应构造函数的确切结果而有所不同。 Is this possible?这可能吗? How could I implement this in C++?我如何在 C++ 中实现这个? This is some incorrect code trying to express the idea:这是一些试图表达这个想法的错误代码:

class someClass {
    double var1, var2, var3, var4, var5;

    someClass(double in1) {
        // operations that initialize var1

    someClass(double in1, double in2) {
        // operations that initialize var1 and var2

    someClass(double in1, double in2, double in3) {
        // operations that initialize var1, var2 and var3

    someClass(double in1, double in2, double in3, double in4) {
        // operations that initialize var1, var2, var3 and var4

    someClass(double in1, double in2, double in3, double in4, double in5) {
        // operations that initialize var1, var2, var3, var4 and var5

    double calcVal() {
        return in1 + in3;
        // this one is executed if the 1st constructor was called

    double calcVal() {
        return in1 + in2;
        // this one is executed if the 2nd constructor was called

    double calcVal() {
        return in1 + in2 + in3;
        // this one is executed if the 3rd constructor was called

    double calcVal() {
        return in1 + in2 + in3 + in4;
        // this one is executed if the 4th constructor was called

    double calcVal() {
        return in1 + in2 + in3 + in4 + in5;
        // this one is executed if the 5th constructor was called

For me, this looks like inheritance with a virtual function.对我来说,这看起来像 inheritance 和虚拟 function。

struct someClass {
     virtual ~someClass() {}
     virtual double calcVal() = 0;

struct classWithVar1 : someClass {
    double var1;
    classWithVar1(double in1) : var1(in1) {}
    double calcVal() override { return var1; }

struct classWithVar2 : someClass {
    double var1, var2;
    classWithVar2(double in1, double in2) : var1(in1), var2(in2) {}
    double calcVal() override { return var1 + var2; }

/* etc. */

I'm not sure I get want you want, but from how you describe it, you can simply assign some enum depending on the called constructor.我不确定我是否想要你想要的,但从你描述它的方式来看,你可以简单地根据被调用的构造函数分配一些枚举。 And then test it in the calcVal() member function:然后在calcVal()成员 function 中测试:

class someClass {
    enum class constr { cons1, cons2, cons3, cons4, cons5 };
    double var1, var2, var3, var4, var5;
    constr c;
    someClass(double in1) {
       c = constr::cons1; // and initialisation, of course...

    someClass(double in1, double in2) {
        c = constr::cons2; // more here

    someClass(double in1, double in2, double in3) {
        c = constr::cons3; // more here

    someClass(double in1, double in2, double in3, double in4) {
        c = constr::cons4; // more here

    someClass(double in1, double in2, double in3, double in4, double in5) {
        c = constr::cons5; // more here

    double calcVal() {
           case constr::cons1:  return var1 + var3;
           case constr::cons2:  return var1 + var2;
        // you get the idea...

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