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打包可执行文件、共享库和 Python 绑定未找到库

[英]Packaging executable, shared library, and Python bindings not finding library

I have a project, cloudgen , that I would like to add bindings for Python so I can access some of the underlying functions.我有一个项目cloudgen ,我想为 Python 添加绑定,这样我就可以访问一些底层函数。 I have stubbed out the initial work on a branch .我已经在一个分支上完成了最初的工作。 Because the main executable is built with cmake, I decided to use scikit-build to manage the build and use pybind11 to deal with the binding ( following this example repo ).因为主要的可执行文件是用 cmake 构建的,所以我决定使用scikit-build来管理构建并使用pybind11来处理绑定(遵循这个示例 repo )。

When I run pip install.当我运行pip install. in a virtual environment, everything appears to work as expected.在虚拟环境中,一切似乎都按预期工作。 I find the executable is installed to <prefix>/bin , the library goes into <prefix>/lib , and the module goes into <prefix>/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/cloudgen .我发现可执行文件安装到<prefix>/bin ,库进入<prefix>/lib ,模块进入<prefix>/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/cloudgen In fact, if I run pip uninstall cloudgen , all of the correct files are uninstalled.事实上,如果我运行pip uninstall cloudgen ,所有正确的文件都会被卸载。 However, my problems arise when I start to test the Python bindings.然而,当我开始测试 Python 绑定时,我的问题就出现了。 I find two separate but related problems.我发现了两个独立但相关的问题。

  • If I installed into an Anaconda environment, the module is able to resolve the path to the shared library and pass the tests, but the executable does not resolve the path to the library.如果我安装到 Anaconda 环境中,模块能够解析到共享库的路径并通过测试,但可执行文件无法解析到库的路径。
  • On the other hand, if I installed into a virtual environment using python -m venv , both the module and the executable are unable to resolve the path to the shared library.另一方面,如果我使用python -m venv安装到虚拟环境中,则模块和可执行文件都无法解析共享库的路径。

Searching around, I came across this question which notes I could manipulate LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or equivalently DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on macOS or PATH on Windows), but that is normally frowned upon .环顾四周,我遇到了这个问题,其中指出我可以操纵LD_LIBRARY_PATH (或等效于 macOS 上的DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH或 Windows 上的PATH ),但这通常是不赞成的 That question references an open issue that refers to including additional build products (which as I said appears to not be my problem) but doesn't address the library path resolution.该问题引用了一个未解决的问题,该问题涉及包括其他构建产品(正如我所说,这似乎不是我的问题),但没有解决库路径解析。 I also came across this question asking about distributing the build products using scikit-build and this question using setuptools directly.我还遇到了这个问题,询问有关使用 scikit-build 分发构建产品的问题,以及直接使用 setuptools 的问题。 Neither of the questions or answers address the library path resolution.这些问题或答案都没有解决库路径解析问题。

My question is: What is the correct way to distribute a package that contains an executable, shared library, and Python binding module and have the path resolution Just Work™?我的问题是:分发包含可执行文件、共享库和 Python 绑定模块并具有路径解析 Just Work™ 的 package 的正确方法是什么?

A minimal working example is a bit much, but I created a gist to demonstrate the behavior.一个最小的工作示例有点多,但我创建了一个要点来演示该行为。

After a bit more digging (and carefully reading the CMake documentation on RPATH ), the correct answer appears to be explicitly setting RPATH on installation.经过更多的挖掘(并仔细阅读RPATH上的 CMake 文档),正确的答案似乎是在安装时明确设置RPATH The relevant change to the linked gist is to add the following to the CMakeLists.txt after creating the targets (adapted from the linked Wiki):链接要点的相关更改是在创建目标后将以下内容添加到 CMakeLists.txt(改编自链接的 Wiki):

    find_package(PythonExtensions REQUIRED)
    set(lib_path "${PYTHON_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}")
if ("${is_system}" STREQUAL "-1")
    set_target_properties(mwe.exe PROPERTIES
        INSTALL_RPATH "${lib_path}")
    # The following is necessary for installation in a virtual
    # environment `python -m pip venv env`
    set_target_properties(_mwe PROPERTIES
        INSTALL_RPATH "${lib_path}")

This does require following the rest of the details about setting the RPATH such as including (literally from the linked CMake Wiki):这确实需要遵循 rest 的有关设置RPATH的详细信息,例如包括(字面上来自链接的 CMake Wiki):

# use, i.e. don't skip the full RPATH for the build tree

# when building, don't use the install RPATH already
# (but later on when installing)


# add the automatically determined parts of the RPATH
# which point to directories outside the build tree to the install RPATH

earlier in the CMakeLists.txt.在 CMakeLists.txt 的前面。 The net result is this should disable the dynamic searching of the library path ( LD_LIBRARY_PATH or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH as appropriate) for the installed executable and Python module.最终结果是这应该禁用对已安装可执行文件和 Python 模块的库路径(适当的LD_LIBRARY_PATHDYLD_LIBRARY_PATH )的动态搜索。

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