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使用 PowerShell 设置十六进制注册表值

[英]Set a hex registry value with PowerShell

I have a Registration Entries (.reg) file, and I wanted to convert it to a PowerShell script.我有一个注册条目 (.reg) 文件,我想将其转换为 PowerShell 脚本。

On my way, I encountered this value: hex:00 .在路上,我遇到了这个值: hex:00

Here is the registry key & value that I want to set:这是我要设置的注册表项和值:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tasks\{042D8A51-5878-4000-9C10-C04AFF122A1F}"


How do I set this Hex value using Set-ItemPropery?如何使用 Set-ItemPropery 设置此十六进制值?

When you use Set-ItemProperty to target registry paths, the cmdlet supports a dynamic parameter named -Type that accepts a Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind value, which specifies the value's data type.当您使用Set-ItemProperty来定位注册表路径时,该 cmdlet 支持名为-Type的动态参数,该参数接受Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind值,该值指定值的数据类型。

The presence of hex: in your *.reg file implies binary (raw bytes) as the data type; hex:在您的*.reg文件中的存在意味着二进制(原始字节)作为数据类型; therefore:所以:

  • pass Binary to -TypeBinary传递给-Type
  • pass the binary value (data) as an array of bytes to -Value ;将二进制值(数据)作为字节数组传递给-Value to produce the equivalent of hex:00 - ie a single byte with value 0x0 - use -Value 0x0 (to pass multiple bytes, separate them with , eg: -Value 0x0, 0x1 ):产生等效的hex:00 - 即值为0x0的单个字节 - 使用-Value 0x0 (传递多个字节,用 分隔它们,例如: -Value 0x0, 0x1 ):
Set-ItemProperty -Type Binary -Value 0x0 -Name Triggers -LiteralPath 'registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tasks\{042D8A51-5878-4000-9C10-C04AFF122A1F}'

Also note the registry:: prefix to the registry key path, which is required to identify the path as a registry path (in a context-independent manner).另请注意注册表项路径的registry::前缀,这是将路径标识为注册表路径所必需的(以与上下文无关的方式)。

Alternatively, replace registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE with HKLM: , to base the path on the equivalent PowerShell-specific drive instead.或者,将registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE替换为HKLM: ,以将路径基于等效的特定于 PowerShell 的驱动器 (The other predefined registry drive is HKCU: , which is equivalent to registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER ; Get-PSDrive -PSProvider registry shows all registry-based drives). (另一个预定义的注册表驱动器是HKCU: ,相当于registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USERGet-PSDrive -PSProvider registry显示所有基于注册表的驱动器)。

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