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更新 React state 变量会引发跨域错误

[英]Updating a React state variable throws cross-origin error


At the moment I am working on a project where I want to get data, more specifically a list/Array of Strings, from my Python API and display that list with React.目前我正在做一个项目,我想从我的 Python API 中获取数据,更具体地说是字符串列表/数组,并使用 React 显示该列表。 I am getting the list and it looks completely fine.我得到了清单,它看起来完全没问题。 No undefined values, everything is a String and it really is an Array .没有undefined的值,一切都是String并且它确实是Array So the retrieved data appears to be valid .所以检索到的数据似乎是有效的。 After retrieving the data I want to set it as a state variable in React so that I can pass it to another component as a prop.检索数据后,我想在 React 中将其设置为 state 变量,以便我可以将其作为道具传递给另一个组件。

I am using pywebview as a React GUI for my Python application.我正在使用pywebview作为我的 Python 应用程序的 React GUI。 The JavaScript modules are being bundled by webpack. JavaScript 模块由 webpack 捆绑。


Whenever I call setCourses() I am getting the following error and React shows a whitescreen.每当我调用setCourses()时,我都会收到以下错误,并且 React 会显示白屏。

Error: A cross-origin error was thrown.错误:引发了跨域错误。 React doesn't have access to the actual error object in development. React 无法访问开发中的实际错误 object。 See https://reactjs.org/docs/cross-origin-errors.html for more information.有关详细信息,请参阅https://reactjs.org/docs/cross-origin-errors.html

What I have noticed/tried我注意到/尝试了什么

  • when calling setCourses(["foo0", foo1", "foo2"]); this error is not thrown.调用setCourses(["foo0", foo1", "foo2"]);时不会抛出此错误。
  • when calling setCourses(new Array(response));当调用setCourses(new Array(response)); it does not throw an error but somehow joins the Arrays elements to a new Array with the size of 1: ["foo0", "foo1", "foo2"] -> ["foo0,foo1,foo2"].它不会抛出错误,而是以某种方式将 Arrays 元素连接到一个大小为 1 的新数组:["foo0", "foo1", "foo2"] -> ["foo0,foo1,foo2"]。
  • iterating over the Array and constructing a new one + checking that every element is a String遍历数组并构造一个新的 + 检查每个元素都是一个字符串
  • the error page of React mentioned using the cheap-module-source-map setting in case one is using webpack.在使用 webpack 的情况下,使用cheap-module-source-map设置提到的 React 错误页面 Setting this didn't help either.设置它也没有帮助。

Similar questions (which didn't solve my poblem)类似的问题(没有解决我的问题)

Simplified code snippet简化的代码片段

As you can see below, I am fetching the data from the Python API in a useEffect hook and trying to set the state which shall rerender my component so that the child component <CourseList courses={courses} /> will display the courses. As you can see below, I am fetching the data from the Python API in a useEffect hook and trying to set the state which shall rerender my component so that the child component <CourseList courses={courses} /> will display the courses.

 export default function Dashboard(props) { // some props etc. were removed to keep this snippet simple // the state variable which causes issues const [courses, setCourses] = React.useState([]); // get Data from Python API React.useEffect(()=>{ getData(); }, []); /** * Gets the needed data (login status, courses, username) by calling the Python API */ function getData() { window.pywebview.api.foo().then((foo) => { // do stuff }).then(() => { // fetch the courses from the Python API window.pywebview.api.getCourses().then((response) => { // try to update the state variable setCourses(response); // <------- throws the error }).catch((response) => {console.log(response); }); } return ( <Box> <MainAppBar /> <Grid container spacing={0}> <Grid item> <MenuList /> </Grid> <Grid item> <CourseList courses={courses} /> {/* passing the courses to the CourseList component */} </Grid> <FloatingSyncButton /> </Grid> </Box> ) } export function CourseList({ courses }) { // logic... return ( <List> {/* trying to list each course item */} {courses.map((courseName) => { return ( <ListItem key={courseName} disablePadding > <ListItemButton> <Checkbox/> <ListItemAvatar> <Avatar>{courseName}</Avatar> </ListItemAvatar> <ListItemText primary={courseName} /> </ListItemButton> </ListItem> ); })} </List> ); }

I would appreciate any help.我将不胜感激任何帮助。 Thank you!谢谢!

Could you try this?你能试试这个吗?

const getData = async () => {
  try {
      const api = await window.pywebview.api.foo()
      // do some stuff with api

      // fetch the courses from the Python API
      const courseList =  await window.pywebview.api.getCourses()
  catch (e) {

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