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为运行 tomcat 的私有子网 EC2 实例设置 Application Load Balancer

[英]Setting up Application Load Balancer for Private Subnet EC2 instances running tomcat

I have setup a VPC with two public subnets and two private subnets.我已经设置了一个具有两个公共子网和两个私有子网的 VPC。 The two private subnets have two EC2 instates and each has tomcat server running on port 8080.这两个私有子网有两个 EC2 状态,每个都有 tomcat 服务器在端口 8080 上运行。

I have set up a load balancer (terraform) as following but the health check is always failing.我已经设置了一个负载均衡器(terraform),但运行状况检查总是失败。 Can someone help me with what's wrong here.有人可以帮我解决这里的问题。

Security Groups:安全组:

# Create Security Group for the Application Load Balancer
# terraform aws create security group
resource "aws_security_group" "alb-security-group" {
  name        = "ALB Security Group"
  description = "Enable HTTP/HTTPS access on Port 80/443"
  vpc_id      = aws_vpc.OrchVPC.id

  ingress {
    description = "HTTP Access"
    from_port   = 80
    to_port     = 80
    protocol    = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = [""]

  ingress {
    description = "HTTPS Access"
    from_port   = 443
    to_port     = 443
    protocol    = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = [""]

  egress {
    from_port   = 0
    to_port     = 0
    protocol    = "-1"
    cidr_blocks = [""]

  tags = {
    Name = "ALB Security Group"

# Create Security Group for the Bastion Host aka Jump Box
# terraform aws create security group
resource "aws_security_group" "ssh-security-group" {
  name        = "SSH Security Group"
  description = "Enable SSH access on Port 22"
  vpc_id      = aws_vpc.OrchVPC.id

  ingress {
    description = "SSH Access"
    from_port   = 22
    to_port     = 22
    protocol    = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = [""]

  egress {
    from_port   = 0
    to_port     = 0
    protocol    = "-1"
    cidr_blocks = [""]

  tags = {
    Name = "SSH Security Group"

# Create Security Group for the Web Server
# terraform aws create security group
resource "aws_security_group" "webserver-security-group" {
  name        = "Web Server Security Group"
  description = "Enable HTTP/HTTPS access on Port 80/443 via ALB and SSH access on Port 22 via SSH SG"
  vpc_id      = aws_vpc.OrchVPC.id

  ingress {
    description     = "HTTP Access"
    from_port       = 80
    to_port         = 80
    protocol        = "tcp"
    security_groups = ["${aws_security_group.alb-security-group.id}"]

  ingress {
    description     = "HTTPS Access"
    from_port       = 443
    to_port         = 443
    protocol        = "tcp"
    security_groups = ["${aws_security_group.alb-security-group.id}"]

  ingress {
    description     = "HTTP/HTTPS Access"
    from_port       = 8080
    to_port         = 8080
    protocol        = "tcp"
    security_groups = ["${aws_security_group.alb-security-group.id}"]

  ingress {
    description     = "SSH Access"
    from_port       = 22
    to_port         = 22
    protocol        = "tcp"
    security_groups = ["${aws_security_group.ssh-security-group.id}"]

  egress {
    from_port   = 0
    to_port     = 0
    protocol    = "-1"
    cidr_blocks = [""]

  tags = {
    Name = "Web Server Security Group"

Load Balancer:负载均衡器:

# Target group for application load balancer
resource "aws_lb_target_group" "targetgroup" {
  health_check {
    interval            = 5
    path                = "/"
    protocol            = "HTTP"
    timeout             = 2
    healthy_threshold   = 2
    unhealthy_threshold = 2

  stickiness {
    type    = "lb_cookie"
    enabled = true

  name        = "targetgroup"
  port        = 8080
  protocol    = "HTTP"
  target_type = "instance"
  vpc_id      = aws_vpc.OrchVPC.id

# Load Balancer Target Group attachment for first instance
resource "aws_lb_target_group_attachment" "myec2vm1tg1" {
  target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.targetgroup.arn
  target_id        = aws_instance.myec2vm1.id
  port             = 8080

# Load Balancer Target Group attachment for second instance
resource "aws_lb_target_group_attachment" "myec2vm2tg1" {
  target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.targetgroup.arn
  target_id        = aws_instance.myec2vm2.id
  port             = 8080

# Applicaiton Load Balancer
resource "aws_lb" "alb" {
  name               = "alb"
  internal           = false
  load_balancer_type = "application"
  security_groups    = [aws_security_group.alb-security-group.id]
  subnets            = [aws_subnet.PublicSubnet1.id, aws_subnet.PublicSubnet2.id]

  tags = {
    Name = "alb"

  timeouts {
    create = "30m"
    delete = "30m"

# Load Balancer Listener
resource "aws_lb_listener" "alblistener" {
  load_balancer_arn = aws_lb.alb.arn
  port              = "80"
  protocol          = "HTTP"

  default_action {
    type             = "forward"
    target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.targetgroup.arn

Can you check in console -> security group of those instances to ensure, it has given inbound rule so that load balancer can do the HTTP request to your web server.您能否检查这些实例的控制台 -> 安全组以确保它已提供入站规则,以便负载均衡器可以向您的 web 服务器执行 HTTP 请求。

security group inbound rule安全组入站规则

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