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0 我正在研究一个 leetcode 问题:给定二叉树的根,返回其节点值的中序遍历

[英]0 I'm working on a leetcode problem: Given the root of a binary tree, return the inorder traversal of its nodes' values

int *arr=NULL;
int size=0;
void inorder (struct TreeNode *root)
       arr=(int *)realloc(arr,sizeof(int)*(++size));
int* inorderTraversal (struct TreeNode* root, int* returnSize)
    return arr;

// I don't understand what's the mistake I have done, but it's giving me wrong answer. // 我不明白我犯了什么错误,但它给了我错误的答案。 Test cases when run are passed successfully but during submission "Wrong Answer" Pops up.测试用例在运行成功通过但在提交过程中弹出“错误答案”。 Can anybody help me solve this please?有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗?

You should not use global variables for this: their values will be retained from one test to the next, and so a subsequent test will start with the array values left by the previous run.您不应该为此使用全局变量:它们的值将从一个测试保留到下一个测试,因此后续测试将从前一次运行留下的数组值开始。

Instead, pass (the address of) the array and its size as arguments:相反,将数组及其大小(地址)传递为 arguments:

void inorder (struct TreeNode *root, int **arr, int *size)
   if (root)
       inorder(root->left, arr, size);
       *arr = (int *)realloc(*arr, sizeof(int)*(++*size));
       (*arr)[*size - 1] = root->val;
       inorder(root->right, arr, size);

int* inorderTraversal (struct TreeNode* root, int* returnSize)
    int *arr = NULL;
    *returnSize = 0;
    inorder(root, &arr, returnSize);
    return arr;

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