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为什么即使我在 NSubstitute 中安排方法,它总是返回 Null 结果?

[英]why does it always return Null result even I Arrange the method in NSubstitute?

I try to Arrange a factory to return a service instance.我尝试安排一个工厂返回一个服务实例。

And then I arrange this service, however the method in the service always return null, even I arrange the mehod, why?然后我安排了这个服务,但是服务中的方法总是返回null,即使我安排了方法,为什么?

Here is my sample code, could somebody help me on this?这是我的示例代码,有人可以帮我吗? Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

using Moq;
using NSubstitute;
using Xunit;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    public interface IFactory
        IMyService CreateInService(int number);
    public  interface IMyService
        (Status?,Status?)GetName(string name);
    public enum Status
        UnKnown = 0,
    public class TupleTest

        public void GetTupleTest()
            (Status?,Status?) exceptedStatusTuple = (Status.UnKnown,Status.UnKnown);
            var factory = Substitute.For<IFactory>();
            var myService = Substitute.For<IMyService>();


            var result = factory.CreateInService(100).GetName("test");
            //result.item1 is null, it should be Status.UnKnown!
            //result.item2 is null,it should be Status.UnKnown!

It looks like you are mixing up Moq and NSubstitute calls.看起来您正在混淆起订量和 NSubstitute 调用。 Try commenting out the using Moq;尝试注释掉using Moq; line and fix the compile errors with that test.行并使用该测试修复编译错误。

One example I can see is It.IsAny is a Moq call.我可以看到的一个例子是It.IsAny是一个起订量调用。 It will need to be Arg.Any for NSubstitute.对于 NSubstitute,它需要是Arg.Any

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