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[英]Can DocumentationFile and GenerateDocumentationFile be used together in .Net project file?

I'm writing a small analyzer for C# projects that checks if the XML documentation generation is present and set up correctly.我正在为 C# 项目编写一个小型分析器,用于检查 XML 文档生成是否存在并正确设置。 There are two options for to specify XML documentation:有两个选项可以指定 XML 文档:

  • An older DocumentationFile option较旧的DocumentationFile选项
  • A newer GenerateDocumentationFile flag.更新的GenerateDocumentationFile标志。 If the flag is set to true MSBuild should generate a XML documentation file with the project's name in the project's output directory.如果该标志设置为 true MSBuild 应该在项目的 output 目录中生成带有项目名称的 XML 文档文件。

Can both of these options be specified explicitly in the project file?可以在项目文件中明确指定这两个选项吗? Will the values from these options be combined or one of the options will be ignored?这些选项的值是否会被组合,或者其中一个选项将被忽略?

They both don't need to be set.它们都不需要设置。 If DocumentationFile is not empty, then GenerateDocumentationFile will set to true in an MSBuild target.如果DocumentationFile不为空,则GenerateDocumentationFile将在 MSBuild 目标中设置为true

If you set GenerateDocumentationFile to true , then a default value for DocumentationFile will be set based on the project file name.如果将GenerateDocumentationFile设置为true ,则会根据项目文件名设置DocumentationFile的默认值。

Relevant MSBuild targets相关 MSBuild 目标

  <!-- Handle XML documentation file settings -->
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(GenerateDocumentationFile)' == ''">
    <GenerateDocumentationFile Condition="'$(DocumentationFile)' == ''">false</GenerateDocumentationFile>
    <GenerateDocumentationFile Condition="'$(DocumentationFile)' != ''">true</GenerateDocumentationFile>

  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(GenerateDocumentationFile)' == 'true' and '$(DocumentationFile)' == ''">
    <DocumentationFile Condition="'$(MSBuildProjectExtension)' == '.vbproj'">$(AssemblyName).xml</DocumentationFile>
    <DocumentationFile Condition="'$(MSBuildProjectExtension)' != '.vbproj'">$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(AssemblyName).xml</DocumentationFile>

  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(GenerateDocumentationFile)' != 'true'">
    <DocumentationFile />


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