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对 LDAP 进行身份验证时出现 UserSearchFilter&managerDn 问题

[英]UserSearchFilter&managerDn issue when authenticating to LDAP

I'm trying to connect the LDAP using the following code:我正在尝试使用以下代码连接 LDAP:



Unfortunately, after typing my correct credentials in the swagger I'm getting the response:不幸的是,在 swagger 中输入我正确的凭据后,我得到了响应:

[LDAP: error code 16 - 00000057: LdapErr: DSID-0C091146, comment: Error in attribute conversion operation, data 0, v3839]; nested exception is javax.naming.directory.NoSuchAttributeException: [LDAP: error code 16 - 00000057: LdapErr: DSID-0C091146, comment: Error in attribute conversion operation, data 0, v3839]; remaining name ‘CN=loginThatIPassedViaSwagger,OU=Users,OU=IT,OU=Warsaw,OU=AdminUnits’

Likely, I mixed something with managerDn and userSearchFilter, but I cannot figure out what?可能,我将一些东西与 managerDn 和 userSearchFilter 混合在一起,但我不知道是什么?

After many attempts, I have figured out that the following works:经过多次尝试,我发现以下工作:


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