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Nx - 使用运行命令生成器时出现“无法写入引用...”错误

[英]Nx - 'Unable to write a reference...' error when using run-commands builder

I am getting a peculiar error with building a lib that has a dependency on another lib in the same Nx workspace.我在构建一个依赖于同一 Nx 工作区中的另一个库的库时遇到了一个特殊错误。 I am using the run-commands builder as there are some other tasks that need to be invoked after the initial library build.我正在使用运行命令构建器,因为在初始库构建之后需要调用其他一些任务。

I am seeing 'Unable to write a reference...' type error message, eg我看到“无法编写参考...”类型错误消息,例如

Unable to write a reference to SomethingCoolComponent in /Users/robert.parker/Documents/Github/nx-playground/libs/common-components/src/lib/components/something-cool/something-cool.component.ts from /Users/robert.parker/Documents/Github/nx-playground/libs/common-components/src/lib/common-components.module.ts
ERROR: Something went wrong in @nrwl/run-commands - Command failed: nx base-build shiny-components

I have a replicable repo where I can showcase here https://github.com/parky128/nx-playground using a couple of minimal libs with a dependency between the two.我有一个可复制的仓库,我可以在这里展示https://github.com/parky128/nx-playground使用几个最小的库,两者之间存在依赖关系。

After installing dependencies, just run ng run shiny-components:build and see the error emitted.安装依赖项后,只需运行ng run shiny-components:build并查看发出的错误。

If I don't use the run-commands builder, and just run ng run shiny-components:base-build task on the same lib it builds just fine, so I am blaming run-commands but I am unsure why it's breaking.如果我不使用run-commands构建器,而只是在同一个库上运行ng run shiny-components:base-build任务,它构建得很好,所以我责怪 run-commands 但我不确定它为什么会中断。

I have seen this answer thats related to the same issue, although they don't seem to be using run-commands and for them was down to a path import issue, but I don't think thats cause for my issue here.我已经看到与同一问题相关的这个答案,尽管他们似乎没有使用运行命令并且对他们来说归结为路径导入问题,但我认为这不是我的问题的原因。

The issue here is that you introduced a brand new target name base-build which nx doesn't know how to build.这里的问题是您引入了一个全新的目标名称base-build ,而 nx 不知道如何构建。

There are two issues:有两个问题:

Luckily, you can configure your workpace properly:幸运的是,您可以正确配置工作区:

  1. Update targetDependencies option in nx.json :更新targetDependencies中的nx.json选项:

     "targetDependencies": { "build": [ { "target": "build", "projects": "dependencies" } ], "base-build": [ <== add this { "target": "base-build", "projects": "dependencies" } ] },
  2. Rename or introduce the same target name for common-components in angular.json :angular.json中的 common-components 重命名或引入相同的目标名称:

     "common-components": { "projectType": "library", "root": "libs/common-components", "sourceRoot": "libs/common-components/src", "prefix": "rob", "architect": { "base-build": { <========================= this line "builder": "@nrwl/angular:package", "outputs": ["dist/libs/common-components"],


I think there is even better approach: don't rename common targets ( build , lint , test etc) but instead rename your custom target only我认为还有更好的方法:不要重命名常见目标buildlinttest等) ,而是只重命名您的自定义目标

angular.json angular.json

"build-with-task": {
      "builder": "@nrwl/workspace:run-commands",
      "options": {
          "commands": [
              "nx build shiny-components",
              "echo done"

Now, you should be able to run one of these commands:现在,您应该能够运行以下命令之一:

ng run shiny-components:build
ng run shiny-components:build-with-task

Here's the final PR for your repo https://github.com/parky128/nx-playground/pull/1/files这是您的 repo https://github.com/parky128/nx-playground/pull/1/files的最终 PR

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