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Kubernetes Pod 中的 OpenVPN 客户端

[英]OpenVPN Client in Kubernetes Pod

I am looking at how to make OpenVPN client work on a pod's container, I explain what I do, but you can skip all my explanation and offer your solution directly, I don't care replacing all the below with your steps if it works, I want to make my container to use a VPN (ExpressVPN for example) in a way that both external and internal networking works.我正在研究如何使 OpenVPN 客户端在 pod 的容器上工作,我解释了我的工作,但您可以跳过我的所有解释并直接提供您的解决方案,如果可行,我不在乎用您的步骤替换以下所有内容,我想让我的容器以外部和内部网络都可以工作的方式使用 VPN(例如 ExpressVPN)。

I have a docker image that is an OpenVPN Client, it works find with the command:我有一个 docker 映像,它是一个 OpenVPN 客户端,它可以使用以下命令查找:

docker run --rm -it --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --device=/dev/net/tun my-app /bin/bash

The docker image had an entry point bash script: docker 映像有一个入口点 bash 脚本:

curl https://vpnvendor/configurations.zip -o /app/configurations.zip
mkdir -p /app/open_vpn/ip_vanish/config
unzip /app/configurations.zip -d /app/open_vpn/config
printf "username\npassword\n" > /app/open_vpn/vpn-auth.conf
cd /app/open_vpn/config
openvpn --config ./config.ovpn --auth-user-pass /app/open_vpn/vpn-auth.conf

It works fine, but when I deploy it as a container in a K8S Pod, it breaks, It is understandable, K8S clusters need internal network communication between the nodes, so the VPN breaks it... how do I make it work?它工作正常,但是当我将它作为容器部署在 K8S Pod 中时,它会中断,这是可以理解的,K8S 集群需要节点之间的内部网络通信,所以 VPN 会中断它......我该如何让它工作? the Google search was frustrating, none of the solutions worked and there were just a few, there is one with similar issue: OpenVPN-Client Pod on K8s - Local network unreachable But did not understand it very well, please help.谷歌搜索令人沮丧,没有一个解决方案有效,只有几个,有一个有类似问题: OpenVPN-Client Pod on K8s - Local network unreachable但不太了解,请帮忙。

Since IPVanish is well known, let's take their ovpn example, I use other vendor but had access to an IPVanish account and it does not work either:由于 IPVanish 众所周知,让我们以他们的 ovpn 为例,我使用其他供应商但可以访问 IPVanish 帐户,但它也不起作用:

dev tun
proto udp
remote lon-a52.ipvanish.com 443
resolv-retry infinite
ca ca.ipvanish.com.crt
verify-x509-name lon-a52.ipvanish.com name
verb 3
auth SHA256
cipher AES-256-CBC
keysize 256

I accept responses in Golang or YAML it does not matter, although I use go-client, my code for pod creation is:我接受 Golang 或 YAML 中的响应没关系,虽然我使用 go-client,但我的 pod 创建代码是:

podObj := &v1.Pod{
        ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
            Name:      "mypod",
            Namespace: "default",
        Spec: v1.PodSpec{
            Containers: []v1.Container{
                    Name:            "worker1",
                    Image:           "",
                    ImagePullPolicy: v1.PullAlways,
                    Stdin: true,
                    TTY:   true,
                    /* Trying to simulate --device=/dev/net/tun I copied the below, but it does not work
// https://garunski.medium.com/openvpn-and-minikube-25511099f8de
                    VolumeMounts: []v1.VolumeMount{
                            ReadOnly:  true,
                            Name:      "dev-tun",
                            MountPath: "/dev/net/tun",
                    SecurityContext: &v1.SecurityContext{
                        // Taken from https://caveofcode.com/how-to-setup-a-vpn-connection-from-inside-a-pod-in-kubernetes/
                        Privileged: boolPtr(true),
                        Capabilities: &v1.Capabilities{
                            Add: []v1.Capability{
            NodeName: "worker-node01",
clientset.CoreV1().Pods("default").Create(context.Background(), podObj, metav1.CreateOptions{})

basically I am able to add the NET_ADMIN capability, but I need also to give access to the /dev/net/tun device and that's the problem, but even If I find a way, it would break internal networking.基本上我可以添加NET_ADMIN功能,但我还需要授予对/dev/net/tun设备的访问权限,这就是问题所在,但即使我找到了一种方法,它也会破坏内部网络。

Update 1更新 1

I made external networking work, by adding the following two lines in my docker's entry point:我通过在我的 docker 入口点添加以下两行来使外部网络工作:

# Taken from https://caveofcode.com/how-to-setup-a-vpn-connection-from-inside-a-pod-in-kubernetes/
mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200
chmod 600 /dev/net/tun

Here is a minimal example of a pod with OpenVPN client.这是一个带有 OpenVPN 客户端的 pod 的最小示例。 I used kylemanna/openvpn as a server and to generate a basic client config.我使用kylemanna/openvpn作为服务器并生成基本的客户端配置。 I only added two routes to the generated config to make it working.我只向生成的配置添加了两条路由以使其正常工作。 See below:见下文:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: ovpn
  namespace: default
    - name: ovpn
      image: debian:buster
        - bash
        - -c
        # install OpenVPN and curl; use curl in an endless loop to print external IP
        - apt update && apt install -y openvpn curl && cd /config && openvpn client & while sleep 5; do echo $(date; curl --silent ifconfig.me/ip); done
        - mountPath: /dev/net/tun
          readOnly: true
          name: tun-device
        - mountPath: /config
          name: config
          add: ["NET_ADMIN"]
    - name: tun-device
        path: /dev/net/tun
    - name: config
        secretName: ovpn-config
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: ovpn-config
  namespace: default
  client: |

    # A sample config generated by https://github.com/kylemanna/docker-openvpn server
    dev tun

    # Remote server params
    remote PASTE.SERVER.IP.HERE 1194 udp

    # Push all traffic through the VPN
    redirect-gateway def1
    # except these two k8s subnets
    route net_gateway
    route net_gateway

    # Below goes irrelevant TLS config
    remote-cert-tls server
    -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
    -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    key-direction 1
    # 2048 bit OpenVPN static key
    -----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----
    -----END OpenVPN Static key V1-----

Try Tailscale.试试尾鳞。 https://tailscale.com/ It's much simpler. https://tailscale.com/ 就简单多了。 And they have a cool free-tier他们有一个很酷的免费套餐

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