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Django 的 user_passes_test 总是得到匿名用户

[英]Django's user_passes_test always gets Anonymous User

I'm using the following class-based view and applying the UserPassesTestMixin to it to check some pre-conditions.我正在使用以下基于类的视图并将UserPassesTestMixin应用到它以检查一些先决条件。

class SomeTestView(UserPassesTestMixin, APIView):

    def test_func(self):
        return check_precondition(self.request.user)

    def get(self, request):
        print("inside view")
        print("user: ", request.user)
        print("is_authenticated? ", request.user.is_authenticated)
        return Response({"status": "success"})

Below is my precondition:以下是我的先决条件:

def check_precondition(user):
    print("in user_passes_test")
    print("user: ", user)
    print("is_authenticated? ", user.is_authenticated)
    return True

Here's the output I am getting:这是我得到的 output:

in user_passes_test
user: AnonymousUser
is_authenticated? False

inside view
user: John Doe/john@test.domain
is_authenticated? True

What I'm not able to understand is that why is the request.user anonymous inside the user_passes_test check.我无法理解的是,为什么request.useruser_passes_test检查中是匿名的。 I want to run some precondition checks based on the user object.我想根据用户 object 运行一些前置条件检查。

Here is my sequence of middlewares:这是我的中间件序列:


I'm on Django 3.1.7 and djangorestframework 3.12.3 .我在 Django 3.1.7和 djangorestframework 3.12.3上。

What I'm not able to understand is that why is the request.user anonymous inside the user_passes_test check.我无法理解的是,为什么request.useruser_passes_test检查中是匿名的。

The UserPassesTestMixin does not check if the user has logged in. Sometimes you might want to check a property that can be True for non-authenticated users. UserPassesTestMixin检查用户是否已登录。有时您可能想要检查一个属性,该属性对于未经身份验证的用户可能为True For example a view that should only be visible to non-superusers, or to a user that has not registered (yet), but is based on some session variables.例如,仅对非超级用户或尚未注册(尚未)的用户可见但基于某些 session 变量的视图。

You can add an extra check with the LoginRequiredMixin mixin [Django-doc] .您可以使用LoginRequiredMixin mixin [Django-doc]添加额外的检查。 But the way the Django REST framework handles this is normally with permission_classes [DRF-doc] :但是 Django REST 框架处理这个问题的方式通常是使用permission_classes [DRF-doc]

from rest_framework import permissions
from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated

class UserPassesSomeTest(permissions.BasePermission):
    message = 'Some custom message'

    def has_permission(self, request, view):
        user = request.user
        print("in user_passes_test")
        print("user: ", user)
        print("is_authenticated? ", user.is_authenticated)
        return True

class home(APIView):
    permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated, UserPassesSomeTest)
    # …

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