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从基础 class 返回指向派生 class 的指针

[英]Return pointer to derived class from base class

I would like to now if the following is possible.如果以下是可能的,我现在想。

I have a templated class called A which inherits from a class called Base .我有一个名为A的模板化 class ,它继承自名为Base的 class 。 In Base I set a write() function to be rewritten for every derived class.Base中,我设置了一个write() function,为每个派生的 class 重写。

I am creating a vector to store the references of the Base objects to be printer latter ( dataBase ).我正在创建一个向量来将Base对象的引用存储为打印机后者( dataBase )。

I would like to know if it is possible to retrieve the reference of the A object whose reference I passed to dataBase .我想知道是否可以检索我传递给dataBaseA object 的引用。

I have the following code:我有以下代码:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <array>
#include <vector>

class Base
        Base(std::string name):name_(name){}
        virtual ~Base(){}
        virtual void write()=0;

    const std::string& name() const
        return name_;
        std::string name_;

template< typename T>
class A : public Base
        A(std::string name):Base(name),name2_(name + "test"){}

        void write();

        std::string name2_;


template< typename T>
void A<T>::write()
    std::cout <<  name2_ << std::endl;

int main()
    A<int> one("one");
    A<double> two("two");
    A<std::array<double,4>> three("three");

    std::vector<Base*> dataBase;

    for(auto i : dataBase)

    A<int>& getOne = lookup("one"); // this is what I want to create
    getOne.name2_  = "worked";

    for(auto i : dataBase)

    return 0;

Best Regards此致

A<int>& lookup(std::vector<Base*> & dataBase, // need to provide database
               const std::string & seeking)
    // find a match
    auto found = std::find_if(dataBase.begin(),
                              [seeking](Base * item)
                                return item->name() == seeking;
    if (found != dataBase.end())
    { // found it
        // convert to A<int>
        A<int> * temp = dynamic_cast<A<int>*>(*found);
        if (temp) // dynamic_cast returns nullptr on failure.
        { // successful conversion
            return *temp; // return it.
        throw std::runtime_error("wrong type"); // What we found isn't the desired type
    throw std::runtime_error("not found"); // Couldn't find a match

Note: when returning a reference, you need to return a reference to a valid object.注意:返回引用时,需要返回对有效 object 的引用。 You can't legally return a nullptr to signal failure, so instead we throw.你不能合法地返回一个nullptr来表示失败,所以我们抛出。


A<int>& getOne = lookup(dataBase, "one");
getOne.name2_  = "worked";

If you如果你

A<int>& getTwo = lookup(dataBase, "two");
getTwo.name2_  = "worked";

two will be found, but the type will not match and an A<int> & can't be returned.将找到两个,但类型将不匹配并且A<int> &无法返回。 An exception will be thrown.将抛出异常。

If you如果你

A<int>& getFoo = lookup(dataBase, "foo");
getFoo.name2_  = "worked";

foo will not be be found and an A<int> & can't be returned.将找不到 foo 并且无法返回A<int> & An exception will be thrown.将抛出异常。

Note: using a dynamic_cast often means the base class interface is not sufficiently defined to make for a good base class.注意:使用dynamic_cast通常意味着基础 class 接口没有被充分定义以形成良好的基础 class。 See the Liskov Substitution Principle for a good test to see whether nor not inheritance is a good choice to use here.请参阅Liskov Substitution Principle进行很好的测试,看看 inheritance 是否是一个不错的选择。

Documentation for std::find_if std::find_if的文档

Documentation for dynamic_cast dynamic_cast的文档

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