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Talend Open Studio:缺少定音鼓组件

[英]Talend Open Studio : timpala component missing

I am using Talend Open Studio for data integration.我正在使用 Talend Open Studio 进行数据集成。 When I create a new connection to an impala database, it works, I can even find the tables, but I can't add this component in the current job, I get this error:当我创建与 impala 数据库的新连接时,它可以工作,我什至可以找到表,但我无法在当前作业中添加此组件,我收到此错误:

Cannot apply drag and drop operation on this component currently.

If I import a project using an impala component, it says that this component is missing.如果我使用 impala 组件导入项目,它会说缺少该组件。 According to the documentation, I should install the timpala component, but I don't have this option.根据文档,我应该安装 timpala 组件,但我没有这个选项。

If you use Talend open studio for data Integration, the impala components exist only in "Talend open studio for big data" and "Talend data fabric".如果您使用 Talend open studio for data Integration,impala 组件仅存在于“Talend open studio for big data”和“Talend data fabric”中。

You can see the component compatibility matrix here: https://www.talendforge.org/components/index.php您可以在此处查看组件兼容性矩阵: https://www.talendforge.org/components/index.php

And this is written in the documentation of impala component: https://help.talend.com/r/en-US/7.3/impala/timpalaconnection-standard-properties这写在impala组件的文档中: https://help.talend.com/r/en-US/7.3/impala/timpalaconnection-standard-properties

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