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[英]Implementing private video chat rooms onto a website

I want to implement a private video chat room software onto my website.我想在我的网站上实现一个私人视频聊天室软件。 Like Google Meet without the bells and whistles (just video calling with a shareable private link).就像没有花里胡哨的 Google Meet(只是带有可共享私人链接的视频通话)。

I found an open source platform called Daily.co.我找到了一个名为 Daily.co 的开源平台。 Should I use this?我应该使用这个吗? What technical requirements would I need to hire a developer for?我需要为哪些技术要求聘请开发人员? What would be the cost of a project like this?这样的项目的成本是多少?

I work at Daily so I can try to help answer this.我在 Daily 工作,所以我可以尝试帮助回答这个问题。 We have two options (Custom or Daily Prebuilt , which can just be embedded right into your website or made full screen to fill the page).我们有两个选项(自定义或每日预建,可以直接嵌入到您的网站或全屏填充页面)。 Prebuilt covers the use case you described and you'd really just need a dev comfortable with basic JavaScript (we've intentionally made this as easy to embed as possible.) There's a custom option too if you want the video call UI to have a specific design, so that would take a dev with a bit more experience.预建涵盖了您描述的用例,您真的只需要一个熟悉基本 JavaScript 的开发人员(我们故意使其尽可能易于嵌入。)如果您希望视频通话 UI 有一个自定义选项特定的设计,因此这将需要具有更多经验的开发人员。 :) :)

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