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更改菜单项 以编程方式订购 Android Java

[英]Change Menu Items Order programmatically Android Java

Basically I have an android popup menu, when any menu item is clicked, it should reshuffle the order of the menu items基本上我有一个 android 弹出菜单,当单击任何菜单项时,它应该重新调整菜单项的顺序

<menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
    <item android:id="@+id/yellow"
    <item android:id="@+id/red"
    <item android:id="@+id/blue"
    <item android:id="@+id/green"

You can achieve this by clear ing the Menu at first then re- add ing its MenuItem s.您可以通过首先clear Menu然后重新addMenuItem来实现此目的。

private final List<Integer> colors = Arrays.asList(
    R.id.yellow, R.id.red, R.id.blue, R.id.green

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(@NonNull MenuItem item) {
    int id = item.getItemId();
    if (id == R.id.yellow || id == R.id.red || id == R.id.blue || id == R.id.green) {
        // I'm using viewBinding in this sample code.
        // If you don't use viewBinding,
        // you need to get the Menu instance in an appropriate way.
        // I won't explain about viewBinding in this answer
        // because that is another topic.
        Menu menu = mBinding.toolbar.getMenu();
        colors.forEach(color -> {
            String title = "";
            if (color == R.id.yellow) {
                title = "Yellow";
            } else if (color == R.id.red) {
                title = "Red";
            } else if (color == R.id.blue) {
                title = "blue";
            } else if (color == R.id.green) {
                title = "Green";
            menu.add(Menu.NONE, color, Menu.NONE, title);
        return true;
    } else {
        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

Note that there is no programmatic (non-build time or dynamic) method to set android:orderInCategory in menu XML.请注意,在菜单 XML 中没有编程(非构建时间或动态)方法来设置android:orderInCategory orderInCategory。 See: How to change the order of MenuItems in menu of NavigationView in code?请参阅:如何在代码中更改 NavigationView 菜单中 MenuItems 的顺序?

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