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如何从 sql 服务器中的 XML 生成特定表?

[英]How Can I generate specific table from XML in sql server?

I have a xml document.我有一个 xml 文档。 I want to generate table with this xml.我想用这个 xml 生成表。 Here is my xml data这是我的 xml 数据

Declare @Result XML
SET @Result='
        <definition>I want to new car tyre</definition>
        <definition>I want to new headlight</definition>
        <definition>I want to general maintenance</definition>

This is sample output这是样品 output

model_year型号年份 vehicle_id车辆编号 request要求 mileage里程
2011 2011 1 1 I want to new car tyre,I want to new headlight我要换新轮胎,我要换大灯 34000 34000
2012 2012 2 2 I want to general maintenance我要一般保养 35000 35000

How can I generate table from XML data like sample output with tsql?如何从 XML 数据(如示例 output 和 tsql)生成表?

Please try the following solution.请尝试以下解决方案。

It is using XQuery's FLWOR expression to concatenate multiple <definition> tag values into one string.它使用 XQuery 的 FLWOR 表达式将多个<definition>标记值连接到一个字符串中。


DECLARE @Result XML = 
        <definition>I want to new car tyre</definition>
        <definition>I want to new headlight</definition>
        <definition>I want to general maintenance</definition>

SELECT c.value('(model_year/text())[1]', 'CHAR(4)') AS model_year
    ,  c.value('(vehicle_id/text())[1]', 'INT') AS vehicle_id
    ,  c.query('for $x in customer_requests/request/definition
                return if ($x is (customer_requests/request[last()]/definition)[1]) then data($x)
                        else concat($x/text()[1], ",")')
        .value('text()[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') AS request
    ,  c.value('(mileage/text())[1]', 'INT') AS mileage
FROM @Result.nodes('/General/Customer') AS t(c);

Output Output

| model_year | vehicle_id |                     request                     | mileage |
|       2011 |          1 | I want to new car tyre, I want to new headlight |   34000 |
|       2012 |          2 | I want to general maintenance                   |   35000 |

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