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await Asyncio.sleep 是否不一致?

[英]Is await Asyncio.sleep inconsistent?

As the title says, is await asynco.sleep inconsistent?正如标题所说, await asynco.sleep不一致? As you can see from my code below, my code is meant to wait 24hrs, then send a private message to the user.从下面的代码中可以看出,我的代码是要等待 24 小时,然后向用户发送私人消息。 From multiple tests I have ran, the code does work if I set a short time (I have tested, 1, 2,3 min all the way up to 10 min).从我运行的多个测试中,如果我设置了很短的时间(我已经测试过,1、2,3 分钟一直到 10 分钟),代码确实可以工作。 However, I would like it set for 24hrs.但是,我希望它设置为 24 小时。

A bit of background on how the code is ran.关于如何运行代码的一些背景知识。 I use replit and use uptime robot to ping the server to make sure it stays active.我使用 replit 并使用 uptime 机器人来 ping 服务器以确保它保持活动状态。 The bot does function as normal 24/7 apart from this await.除了等待之外,该机器人 24/7 照常执行 function。

So, is it that await Asyncio.sleep only works consistently for smaller periods of time, or is it the way I am running the code, ie through replit and uptime bot?那么,是await Asyncio.sleep仅在较短的时间内始终如一地工作,还是我运行代码的方式,即通过 replit 和 uptime 机器人? My reason to think it could maybe be uptime bot, is I assume, if it doesnt ping, the bot turns off?我有理由认为它可能是正常运行时间机器人,我是否假设,如果它不 ping,机器人会关闭? Making it re-run the code?让它重新运行代码? My only thought to why it can't be that is that replit's seem to stay online for 5 minute without being pinged by uptime bot.我唯一想到的原因是,replit 似乎保持在线 5 分钟而没有被正常运行时间机器人 ping。 So if uptime bot does not ping, i'd assume the Replit has some leway.因此,如果正常运行时间机器人没有 ping,我会假设 Replit 有一些余地。 Also, if it did happen to turn off, it would mean I would have to manually turn it back on etc. However, as I mentioned above, the rest of the code works 24/7 so I'm really lost!此外,如果它确实关闭了,这意味着我将不得不手动重新打开它等等。但是,正如我上面提到的,代码的 rest 24/7 工作,所以我真的迷路了!

If anyone has any advice for this novice, I would greatly appreciate it!如果有人对这个新手有任何建议,我将不胜感激!


async def on_member_join(member):
    channel = client.get_channel(*Discord channel id*)
    embed=discord.Embed(title=f"**Welcome**: {member.name}", description=f"Thanks for joining {member.guild.name}! :partying_face:",color=0x7DF9FF) # F-Strings
    embed.add_field(name=" __**To get started:**__", value="Head over to #rules and #faq :smile:", inline=True)
    embed.add_field(name=" __**How to sell and trade**__", value="you will be added to a 24hr timer, after that peroid you will have access to the sell and trade rooms", inline=True)
    embed.set_thumbnail(url=member.avatar_url) # Set the embed's thumbnail to the member's avatar image!
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    await channel.send(embed=embed)
    #this acts as a pause, and will count up to the time entered in secconds before executing the rest of the script 
    await asyncio.sleep(86400)
    #This bit gives members a specific role
    role = get(member.guild.roles, name="Supporter")
    await member.add_roles(role)
    await member.create_dm()
    await member.dm_channel.send(f'Hi {member.name}, Congratulations :partying_face: you have now unlocked the trade and sell rooms, please read #rules and #faq before making a post')`


It is perfectly accurate, replit just messes it up.这是完全准确的,replit只是把它搞砸了。 You really shouldn't be using replit as a hosting service because it restarts all the time, interrupting async processes.您真的不应该将 replit 用作托管服务,因为它一直在重新启动,从而中断异步进程。 Use a VPS.使用 VPS。

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