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[英]Cart delete an item and apply a coupon in js

I am trying to remove an item without removing the cart and reducing a price if the customer has a coupon or exceeds a certain quantity while js before using Django here is the html code js if you have any advice do not hesitate如果客户有优惠券或超过一定数量,我正在尝试移除商品而不移除购物车并降低价格,而 js 在使用 Django 之前这里是 html 代码 js 如果您有任何建议,请不要犹豫

html html

            <div data-name="name" data-price="250" data-id="2">
                <img src="x.jpg" alt="" />
                <input type="number" class="count" value="1" />
                <button class="tiny">Add to cart</button>

<script type="text/template" id="cartT">
    <% _.each(items, function (item) { %> <div class = "panel"> <h3> <%= item.name %> </h3>  <span class="label">
    <%= item.count %> piece<% if(item.count > 1)
    <%}%> for <%= item.total %>$</span > </div>
    <% }); %>

js js

addItem: function (item) {
        if (this.containsItem(item.id) === false) {
                id: item.id,
                name: item.name,
                price: item.price,
                count: item.count,
                total: item.price * item.count
        } else {
        this.total += item.price * item.count;
        this.count += item.count;
    containsItem: function (id) {
        if (this.items === undefined) {
            return false;
        for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
            var _item = this.items[i];
            if (id == _item.id) {
                return true;
        return false;
    updateItem: function (object) {
        for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
            var _item = this.items[i];
            if (object.id === _item.id) {
                _item.count = parseInt(object.count) + parseInt(_item.count);
                _item.total = parseInt(object.total) +parseInt(_item.total);
                this.items[i] = _item;


You can use the filter function to remove an item, this way you are going to remove only the item that contains a specific id.您可以使用过滤器 function 删除项目,这样您将仅删除包含特定 ID 的项目。

removeItem(id) {
   this.items = this.items.filter(item => item.id !== id);

To apply the coupon, unless you have all the coupons stored in your front-end, you should make an HTTPS call to check if the coupon is valid or not, but also its value to then apply the discount at the cart.要使用优惠券,除非您的前端存储了所有优惠券,否则您应该拨打 HTTPS 电话以检查优惠券是否有效,以及其价值,然后在购物车中应用折扣。

A suggestion to your code is related to containsItem function, where you iterate through the entire array and check every item id individually, and then return to the user.对您的代码的建议与 containsItem function 相关,您可以在其中迭代整个数组并单独检查每个项目 ID,然后返回给用户。 You can use the function some to let JS check it for you.您可以使用 function 一些让 JS 为您检查。

containsItem: function (id) {
   return this.items?.some(item => item.id === id);

//PS: the ?. is a notion that checks if the variable exists and if it's true it continues, that way you won't have an undefined error. It is called [Optional Chaining][2]

Another suggestion is on the updateItem, you can get the element that you need with the find function.另一个建议是关于 updateItem,您可以通过查找function 获得所需的元素。

updateItem: function (object) {
   const itemToUpdate = this.items.find(item => item.id === object.id);
   if(itemToUpdate) {
      itemToUpdate.count = parseInt(object.count) + parseInt(itemToUpdate.count);
      itemToUpdate.total = parseInt(object.total) +parseInt(itemToUpdate.total);

Also, you don't need to reassign the array, since when you refer to the object, it will be updated on its source as well.此外,您不需要重新分配数组,因为当您引用 object 时,它的源代码也会更新。

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