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C while 循环使用 scanf 在输入超过 1 个字符时打印两次

[英]C while loop using scanf prints twice when entering more than 1 char of input

I'm trying to read input from stdin in C, where the program performs a few tasks if the entered character is any key but "enter".我正在尝试从 C 中的标准输入读取输入,如果输入的字符是除“输入”之外的任何键,程序将执行一些任务。 I'm using a while loop, and it works fine when user only enters 1 char, but prints a line twice when they enter more than that (entering more than 1 char is fine, the program should generate a new number per each one -- so like if the user enters 'aaa', it generates 3 new numbers.)我正在使用一个while循环,当用户只输入1个字符时它可以正常工作,但是当他们输入更多时会打印一行两次(输入超过1个字符很好,程序应该为每个生成一个新数字 - - 就像用户输入“aaa”一样,它会生成 3 个新数字。)

So this is the ideal output after entering something like 'eeee'(and it works fine when you enter just one char):所以这是理想的 output 在输入类似 'eeee' 之后(当你只输入一个字符时它工作正常):

CallList: I22 U55 U52 L1
enter any key for call (q to quit, no enter):

but this is what actually happens when you enter 'eeee':但这就是您输入“eeee”时实际发生的情况:

enter any key for call (q to quit, no enter): CallList: I22 U55 U52 L1
enter any key for call (q to quit, no enter):

and this is the part of my code (minimal reproducible version):这是我的代码的一部分(最小的可重现版本):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void){

  printf ("CallList: \n");
  printf("enter any key for call (q to quit, no enter): ");
char c;
  scanf(" %c", &c);

char quit = 'q';
  int random;

  while (c != quit){

    if (c != '\n') {
      random = rand() % 75 + 1;
      // does a few functions here, they don't print anything and don't use stdin
    printf ("CallList: ");
    // prints the call list here
    printf("enter any key for call (q to quit, no enter): ");
    scanf(" %c", &c);
printf("Goodbye! \n");


what is causing this and how can I fix it?是什么原因造成的,我该如何解决?

Try this in your loop:在你的循环中试试这个:

    while (c != quit){
        if (c != '\n') {
            random = rand() % 75 + 1;
            //here you can add things to your calllist
            c = getchar();
        else {
            printf ("CallList: ");
            // prints the call list here
            printf("enter any key for call (q to quit, no enter): ");
            c = getchar();

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