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如何通过 SSH 在 cmd/powershell 中找到正在运行的命令的 PID?

[英]How to find the PID of a running command in cmd/powershell over SSH?

Something similar to echo $$;类似于 echo $$; 的东西python my_script.py > out.log python my_script.py > out.log

Expected output:预期 output:

using cmd_command or powershell command使用 cmd_command 或 powershell 命令

If you are running PowerShell, the PID variable is available.如果您正在运行 PowerShell,则 PID 变量可用。

PS C:\> $PID
PS C:\> Get-CimInstance -Class CIM_Process | Where-Object { $_.ProcessId -eq $PID }

ProcessId Name     HandleCount WorkingSetSize VirtualSize
--------- ----     ----------- -------------- -----------
8420      pwsh.exe 1004        119939072      2204255981568

See the other members available using:查看其他可用的成员:

Get-CimInstance -Class CIM_Process | Where-Object { $_.ProcessId -eq $PID } | Format-List -Property * -Force


Get-CimInstance -Class CIM_Process | Get-Member

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