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PowerShell 测试-连接-高效方法

[英]PowerShell Test-Connection -efficient Method

One Bronze medal = Newbi, have scoured this site for years, so a million belated thanks, once again!一枚铜牌 = Newbi,多年来一直在这个网站上搜索,所以一百万迟来的感谢,再次!

Just finished up a few different PowerShell ver 5.1 scripts that perform a test-connection on the same 2000 devices regularly.刚刚完成了几个不同的 PowerShell 5.1 版脚本,它们定期在相同的 2000 台设备上执行测试连接。

Out to a csv file输出到 csv 文件

And they are all slow, some minor speed improvements when tweaking it down to the bare bones.而且它们都很慢,在将其调整到最基本的部分时,速度会有所提高。

I've scaled the script to the minimal, IPADDRESS and NAME only我已将脚本缩放到最小,仅 IPADDRESS 和 NAME

I've run a few comparison tests against a batch file (ping 123.456.789.001 >> PingTest.txt ) and these tests APPEAR to run quicker than my PS script (will run a full apple to apples test tomorrow), but confident something is amiss in the PS code.我已经对一个批处理文件(ping 123.456.789.001 >> PingTest.txt)进行了一些比较测试,这些测试似乎比我的 PS 脚本运行得更快(明天将运行一个完整的苹果对苹果的测试),但有信心的是PS代码中的错误。

Am looking at arrays, and how piping works, but am afraid I'm putting the cart in front of the horse, or there is something going on with how PS handles the csv format and/or ping list in its memory我正在查看 arrays 以及管道的工作原理,但恐怕我把车放在马前了,或者 PS 如何处理 csv 格式和/或 ZCD69B4957F016CD818DZB3FED6 中的 ping 列表有什么问题

My most efficient current script below,下面是我最有效的当前脚本,

Is the following link pointing me in the right direction,?以下链接是否指向正确的方向? Specifically the asJob switch特别是 asJob 开关

PowerShell Mass Test-Connection PowerShell 批量测试连接

$info = "" | Select IPaddress,Name
$OutputFile = new-item -itemType File -path  C:\Temp\Results.csv -force -value "IPaddress,Name`r`n" | out-null
Import-csv C:\Temp\GetList.csv | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.IPaddress) {
if (-Not (Test-Connection -ComputerName $_.IPaddress -Quiet -Count 2 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
$info.IPaddress = $_.IPaddress
$info.Name = $_.Name

add-content -value "$($info.IPaddress),$($info.Name)"  -path C:\Temp\Results.CSV

The export-csv is faster, thank you. export-csv 更快,谢谢。 I'm not sure if I have it in the right place, but it works, will run some tests on it tomorrow.我不确定我是否将它放在正确的位置,但它可以工作,明天将对其进行一些测试。 I may have to include the passes tests though, still getting my head around the get-job cmdlet.不过,我可能必须包括通过测试,但我仍然对 get-job cmdlet 有所了解。

$info = "" | Select IPaddress,Name,Status

Import-csv c:\Temp\GetList.csv | ForEach-Object {
if($_.Ipaddress) {

if (-Not(Test-Connection -ComputerName $_.IPaddress -Quiet -Count 2 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {

$info.IPaddress = $_.IPaddress
$info.Name = $_.Name
$info.Status = "Failed"
$info | export-csv C:\Temp\Results1.csv -Force -Notypeinformation -Append
$list = Import-Csv C:\Temp\GetList.csv
ForEach ($item In $list) {
  Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
    if (Test-Connection -Computername $item.IPaddress -Quiet -Count 1) {
      Add-Content -value "$($item.IPaddress),$($item.Name),$($item.Stauts)" -Path C:\Temp\xlistlist.csv
      $list | Export-csv c:\Temp\xCSvreults.csv -Force -NoTypeInformation -Append
  } -argumentlist $list

Thanks Santiago, I did some exploring here, just ran out of time for the day.谢谢圣地亚哥,我在这里做了一些探索,只是没时间了。 THANK YOU you for the code examples they cleared a few things up for me:-) – Have Computer Dec 2 at 3:59感谢您提供的代码示例,他们为我清除了一些问题:-) – 12 月 2 日 3:59 有计算机

Would you mind adding some inline comments so I can follow along?您介意添加一些内联评论,以便我可以跟进吗? Just trynna understand multi-threading (using runspaces) a bit better.只是试着更好地理解多线程(使用运行空间)。 – Abraham Zinala Dec 2 at 4:58 1 – 亚伯拉罕·齐纳拉 12 月 2 日 4:58 1

@AbrahamZinala is there a specific part you're struggling to understand? @AbrahamZinala 是否有您难以理解的特定部分? i'm not an expert on this and wouldn't like to give false information.我不是这方面的专家,也不想提供虚假信息。 Might be better to pick up all the parts you don't understand and ask a new question – Santiago Squarzon Dec 2 at 12:19可能会更好地拿起所有你不理解的部分并提出一个新问题 – Santiago Squarzon 12 月 2 日 12:19

Nah man, sorry, I figured it out lol – Abraham Zinala Dec 2 at 13:43 1不,伙计,对不起,我想通了哈哈 - 亚伯拉罕 Zinala 12 月 2 日 13:43 1

@AbrahamZinala the only hard part to understand is the [powershell] instance part imo, and you can think of it as a Start-Job but much faster and less memory consuming, you add your scriptblock with.AddScript({...}) and then the parameters with.AddParameters([hashtablehere]). @AbrahamZinala 唯一难以理解的部分是 [powershell] 实例部分 imo,您可以将其视为 Start-Job,但速度更快且 memory 消耗更少,您可以使用 .AddScript({...}) 添加脚本块然后是带有.AddParameters([hashtablehere]) 的参数。 It's important to save the PSInstance in a variable so that we can get the output out of it and it's handler (Status = $psinstance.BeginInvoke()) to know when the instance has completed.将 PSInstance 保存在一个变量中很重要,这样我们就可以从中获取 output 并且它的处理程序 (Status = $psinstance.BeginInvoke()) 知道实例何时完成。 The rest is just pure blueprint, once you have one you can copy paste it:P – Santiago Squarzon Dec 2 at 13:50 rest 只是纯蓝图,一旦你有一个你可以复制粘贴它:P – Santiago Squarzon 12 月 2 日 13:50

@HaveComputer I have no idea what your comment means. @HaveComputer 我不知道你的评论是什么意思。 – Santiago Squarzon Dec 5 at 1:10 the 2 solutions presented work much faster, my code however is lacking. – Santiago Squarzon 12 月 5 日 1:10 提出的 2 个解决方案工作得更快,但是我的代码缺少。 – Have Computer Dec 5 at 1:16 – 12 月 5 日 1:16 有电脑

@HaveComputer I know that, this can perform 50x faster or even more depending on hardware and bandwidth. @HaveComputer 我知道,根据硬件和带宽,这可以快 50 倍甚至更多。 – Santiago Squarzon ——圣地亚哥中队

This is a good place where you can use runspaces , I would love to test if Test-Connection -AsJob performs better than this but for some reason it is not available on PS Core on Linux.这是一个可以使用运行空间的好地方,我很想测试Test-Connection -AsJob 性能是否比这更好,但由于某种原因,它在 Linux 的 PS Core 上不可用。

Code below took around 10 seconds to scan 254 IPs using my private network IP range.下面的代码使用我的专用网络 IP 范围扫描 254 个 IP 大约需要 10 秒。 There is a lot of tweaking that can be done, ie you can poke around the $Threshold variable, it's currently running 100 runspaces at a time, Count and TimeoutSeconds for Test-Connection have been set to 2 you can tweak that too.可以进行很多调整,即您可以围绕$Threshold变量进行调整,它当前一次运行 100 个运行空间, Test-ConnectionCountTimeoutSeconds已设置为2 ,您也可以对其进行调整。

$results variable can be exported using Export-Csv . $results变量可以使用Export-Csv

# Change this value for tweaking
$Threshold = 100
$RunspacePool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $Threshold)

# This is for testing, use your CSV here instead
# => $list = Import-Csv C:\Temp\GetList.csv
$list = 1..254 | ForEach-Object {
        IPAddress = "192.168.1.$_"
        Hostname = "ExampleHost$_"

$scriptBlock = {
    param($ip, $hostname)

    $params = @{
        Quiet = $true
        Count = 2
        TimeoutSeconds = 2
        ComputerName = $ip

    $status = Test-Connection @params

        Hostname = $hostname
        IPAddress = $ip
        Status = ('Failed','Success')[[int]$status]

$runspaces = foreach($line in $list)
    $params = @{
        ip = $line.IPAddress
        hostname = $line.Hostname

    $psinstance = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($scriptBlock).AddParameters($params)
    $psinstance.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
        Instance = $psinstance
        Status = $psinstance.BeginInvoke()

while($runspaces.Status.IsCompleted -contains $false)
    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500

$results = $runspaces.ForEach({ $_.Instance.EndInvoke($_.Status) })

$results Sample: $results示例:

Hostname       IPAddress     Status
--------       ---------     ------
ExampleHost1   Success
ExampleHost2   Failed
ExampleHost3   Success
ExampleHost4   Failed
ExampleHost5   Success
ExampleHost6   Failed
ExampleHost7   Failed
ExampleHost8   Failed
ExampleHost9   Failed
ExampleHost10  Failed
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { Test-Connection -computername  (Get-Content -Path “C:\Temp\GetList.csv”) }

its lacking the fundamentals, works, DE fast, thank you gent's 

Still working on my code, I did find this read wile working on it, run space read.仍在处理我的代码,我确实发现这个读取正在处理它,运行空间读取。

https://devblogs.microsoft.com/scripting/beginning-use-of-powershell-runspaces-part-1/ https://devblogs.microsoft.com/scripting/beginning-use-of-powershell-runspaces-part-1/

Interesting, bit long, so I recommend a beverage:-)有趣,有点长,所以我推荐一种饮料:-)

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