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SwiftUI 在视图之间传递数据

[英]SwiftUI pass data from view to view

I spent 14 hours trying to figure it out today, I went over here, googled, and watched videos but nothing helped.我今天花了 14 个小时试图弄清楚,我去了这里,用谷歌搜索,看视频,但没有任何帮助。 I gave up so I decided to ask a question.我放弃了,所以我决定问一个问题。

Typically, I have two views in one, such as the list on the left and details on the right.通常,我将两个视图合二为一,例如左侧的列表和右侧的详细信息。 On the iPhone, I was able to use the sheet to pop up the second view without any issues, but on the iPad, I have a second view on the right side and it does not update when I click on the list.在 iPhone 上,我可以使用工作表弹出第二个视图而没有任何问题,但在 iPad 上,我在右侧有第二个视图,当我单击列表时它不会更新。 I tried @Binging and @State, but it didn't work.我尝试了@Binging 和@State,但没有奏效。

How can I pass data from one view to another?如何将数据从一个视图传递到另一个视图?

The navigation link code:导航链接代码:

let navigationItemList: [NavigationItems] = [NavigationItems(image: Image(systemName: "hourglass"), title: "Feature 1", subtitle: "Subtitle", linkView: AnyView(FeatureView1())),
                                             NavigationItems(image: Image(systemName: "clock.arrow.2.circlepath"), title: "Feature 2", subtitle: "Subtitle", linkView: AnyView(FeatureView2()))]
struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List {
                Section(footer: MainFooterView()) {
                    ForEach(navigationItemList) { items in
                        HStack {
                                .frame(width: 30, height: 30)
                                .font(.system(size: 25))
                            NavigationLink(items.title, destination: items.linkView)

First view:第一种观点:

struct FeatureView1 : View {
var body: some View {
   HStack {
      List(item) { items in
         Button("Click to update title in Feature View 2") {
            FeatureView2(title: "Button Called") //Nothing happened

Second view:第二种观点:

var body: some View {
   var title = ""
   ZStack {
      Text(title) //When I click a button from the list, it should show "Button Called", but nothing happens.

Before automating it, try to make a simple example like that to understand how to share datas between views: (As you can see, destination view take the title as parameter)在自动化之前,尝试做一个简单的例子来了解如何在视图之间共享数据:(如您所见,目标视图以标题作为参数)

 struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { NavigationView { NavigationLink(destination: FeatureView1(title: "FeatureView1")) { Text("Go to FeatureView1") } } } } struct FeatureView1: View { var title: String var body: some View { Text(title) NavigationLink(destination: FeatureView2(title: "FeatureView2")) { Text("Go to FeatureView2") } } } struct FeatureView2: View { var title: String var body: some View { Text(title) } }

There are many other ways to share datas between views according to your use case, I let you see @EnvironmentObject, @Binding etc later根据您的用例,还有许多其他方法可以在视图之间共享数据,稍后我让您看到@EnvironmentObject、@Binding 等

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