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颤动- !_debugLocked 不正确

[英]flutter- !_debugLocked is not true

I have this problem, when I try to use navigator this error will show up我有这个问题,当我尝试使用导航器时,会出现这个错误

[+1368632 ms] Error: Assertion failed: file:///home/saeedszz/snap/flutter/common/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/navigator.dart:4564:12
          is not true

I tried everything inside relevant topics in StackOverflow and non of them seemed to work thank you in advanced我尝试了 StackOverflow 中相关主题中的所有内容,但似乎没有一个有效,谢谢你

add this line of code before using Navigator Solved my problem在使用 Navigator 之前添加这行代码解决了我的问题

 await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));

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